
hǎi shì fǎ
  • maritime law;admiralty law;marine law
  1. 船舶抵押法是海事法的一个重要组成部分。

    The law of ship mortgage is an important component part of the admiralty law .

  2. 上面提到的这些法律文件,旨在限制和淘汰我们极力反对的衡平法、商法或者海事法,正如我们的独立革命反抗英国的专制统治一样。

    These documents were designed to limit and eliminate the vicious Equity , Maritime or Admiralty Law which was what we revolted against as Our Revolution against the totalitarianism of England .

  3. 在这种情况下,以促进海事法各领域的统一为宗旨的CMI决定起草一个新的国际公约,以期重新达到承运人责任制度的国际统一。

    In the circumstances , CMI whose object , as stated in its constitution , is the " unification of maritime law in all its aspects " decided that a new international convention should be drafted aim in the reunification of carrier 's liability system .

  4. 适用于海事法及海事管辖权的一切案件;

    To all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ;

  5. 我们仍然仰赖你运行海事法和对抗药偷运。

    We still count on you to enforce maritime law and to fight drug smuggling .

  6. 国际海事法要求船舶以悬挂船旗的方式明确表明船籍。

    International maritime laws require vessels to visibly identify the countries to which they are flagged .

  7. 她专门研究海事法。

    She specializes in marine law .

  8. 除了赋予联合国成员国更多的权力,决议还明确表示,决议所涉及的仅仅是索马里问题,而并非为国际海事法创造先例。

    While it gives additional powers to member states , the resolution makes clear that it applies only to the Somalia problem and does not set a precedent for international maritime law .

  9. 相对于货物运输法和海事法来讲,国内研究海上保险法的人不多,因此有关这方面的著作也比较少。

    Compared with law of carriage of goods by sea and maritime affairs , law of marine insurance is not widely studied . And the work of it is not much , either .

  10. 在中国船只越来越多地出现在争议海域之际,日本海事法的修订将增强海上保安厅对广阔领海中的岛屿进行保卫及巡逻的能力。

    The revisions to the country 's maritime laws would strengthen the coast guard 's ability to guard and patrol the islands in its vast territorial waters amid increased sightings of Chinese boats .

  11. 随着海难救助制度的发展,如何鼓励救助人积极救助遇难船舶和减少环境污染,已经成为国际海事法中急需解决的问题。

    With the development of salvage at sea , how to encourage the salvor to take the salvage operation positively and reduce the environment pollution has been an emergent problem in the international admiralty law .

  12. 其实施将严重影响现行海事法,特别是船舶适航规范方面,如新的适航概念引入必将对承运人的适航义务的认定产生重大影响。

    The implementation of ISM Code will undoubtedly have an effect on some areas of the current maritime law , especially for seaworthy norms of ships . For instance , the new concept of seaworthy management introduced will result in important influence upon the confirmation of seaworthy responsibility of carriers .

  13. 究其实质,中国海事诉讼法中的海事强制令属于行为保全。

    The nature of maritime injunction is reservation of behavior .

  14. 强制拍卖船舶属于海事诉讼法中极具特色的制度之一。

    Court ordered auction of vessel is one of the extremely special systems in Chinese admiralty practice .

  15. 从海事诉讼法的立法体例上看来,海事强制令与海事请求保全,海事证据保全并列,形成行为、财产、证据三种海事保全制度,一起构建了我国海事诉讼法较为完整的保全体系。

    According to the legislative structure of MPL , maritime injunctions together with preservation of maritime claims and preservation of maritime evidence constitute the preservative system in respect of actions , property and evidence in MPL .

  16. 船员海事犯罪立法的法理性研究

    Research on the Legislation of Maritime Criminal Law Relating to the Seaman

  17. 浅析《海事诉讼特别程序法》中的对物诉讼制度

    An Analysis of Action in Rem in Maritime Procedure Law

  18. 对我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》第97条的理解与适用

    Understanding and Application of Article 97 of MPL

  19. 浅析我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》对证据的庭前陈述制度和庭前举证制度的规定海底争端分庭的程序

    On the Pre-trial Statement and Pre-trial Testimony System ; Proceedings before the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber

  20. 《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》两种英译本评析

    Comments on the Two English Versions of the Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China

  21. 中国《海事诉讼特别程序法》是《民事诉讼法》的特别法。

    The Maritime Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China is the special law of Civil Procedure Law .

  22. 船舶扣押的法律思考&兼评我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》的有关规定

    Some Legal Consideration of the Seizure of Ships & On some relevant articles in " Special Procedure of Admiralty Proceedings " in China

  23. 在扣船后诉讼的管辖地、扣船的时间、扣船的方式问题上,我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》应有所完善。

    The issues of venues , the time and manner of seizure of ships should be perfected by the Maritime Procedure Law of China .

  24. 为此,《海事诉讼特别程序法》设计了一种全新的用于调整行为的强制措施,这就是海事强制令。

    So , Maritime Litigation Special Procedure law of PRC creates a brand new enforcement measure to regulate act preservation , namely Maritime Enforcement Order .

  25. 随着《海事诉讼特别程序法》出台而正式确立的海事担保制度,为正处于发展阶段的中国担保法律体系注入了新鲜的血液。

    And maritime security established with the adoption of Special Maritime Procedure Law of PRO , has injected new energy to China 's security law in progress .

  26. 在国际海事委员会制定运输法草案的过程中,各国代表团对是否应该取消航海过失免责的意见并不统一。

    The opinions on whether the nautical fault exemption should be eliminated from every delegation were disunion during drafting the Draft Instrument on Transport Law by CMI .

  27. 而《海商法》、《保险法》、《海事诉讼特别程序法》及相关法律的规定也远非完美无缺。

    The stipulations of maritime code , insurance code , special procedure law in the maritime litigation and the other correlative law of the People ' Republic of China are not perfect .

  28. 本论文通过评析《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》英译本,初步探讨了法律英语翻译的特点。

    This thesis presents a preliminary study of the features of legal document translation through making comments on the English version of Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China .

  29. 并且《海事诉讼特别程序法》关于基金的设立和分配程序方面的规定本身仍存在问题,使得法院在司法实践中更加难以有效的处理此类案件。

    On the other hand , the regulations on procedure for constitution and distribution of limitation fund still have some problems which make the maritime court more difficult to deal with such cases effectively in judicial practice .

  30. 本文在结合船舶扣押国际公约的基础上,对我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》的相关规定进行深入的探讨,并提出自己的拙见。

    On the basis of international conventions on arrest of vessel , this text discusses the relevant provisions of ' Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China ' and puts forward my own opinion .