
  • 网络shenyang institute of physical education;shenyang sport university
  1. 沈阳体育学院2007级学生心理健康状况调查

    Status of mental health among students recruited in 2007 in Shenyang Sport University

  2. 沈阳体育学院田径课程现状分析与对策思考

    Current Situation and Countermeasures of Track and Field Curriculum in Shenyang Sport University

  3. 沈阳体育学院学生短时运动记忆研究

    Short-term Movement Memory of the Students in Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  4. 沈阳体育学院技术课实施双语教学的可行性研究

    Feasibility of Implementing Bilingual Teaching in Sports Subject in Our Institute

  5. 沈阳体育学院2003年教学计划特征分析

    Characteristics of Teaching Plan 2003 in Shenyang Institute of Physical Education

  6. 沈阳体育学院英语教学中文化导入的研究

    Cultural Introduction in English Teaching in Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  7. 论身体教育的迫切性沈阳体育学院2004年课程改革工作的思考

    Discussion on 2004 Curriculum Reform in Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  8. 沈阳体育学院计算机考试方式方法探究

    Way and Method of Computer Exam in Shenyang Institute of Physical Education

  9. 沈阳体育学院实验教学中存在的问题及改革措施

    Problems of Experimental Teaching and Its Reforming Measures in Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  10. 沈阳体育学院民族传统体育专业现状研究

    Study on Present Situation of Chinese Traditional Sports Department in Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  11. 关于沈阳体育学院发展战术的思考

    Thought of Shenyang Physical Education Institute Developing Tactics

  12. 对沈阳体育学院学生人文素质培养目标的探讨

    Study on the Educational Goal of Humane Studies for Students in Shenyang Institute of PE

  13. 沈阳体育学院2001-2005届本科优秀毕业论文现状分析

    Analysis of Excellent Undergraduates ' Papers from 2001 to 2005 in Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  14. 沈阳体育学院运动训练专业篮球专修课教学改革设想

    Teaching Reform of Basketball Specialized Course of Sports Training Specialty in Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  15. 2003年《沈阳体育学院学报》载文及引文分析

    Analysis of the Publications and Quotations in 2003 Journals of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education

  16. 沈阳体育学院多媒体英语教学中教师主导作用的研究

    Teachers ' Leading Role in the Process of Multimedia English Teaching in Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  17. 对提高沈阳体育学院运动训练系体操教学质量的探讨

    Discussion on Improving the Gymnastic Teaching of the Sports Department in Shenyang Institute of Physical Education

  18. 多媒体辅助教学在沈阳体育学院学科理论课教学中的应用分析

    Application of Multimedia Assistant Teaching in Subject of Theory Study Class in Shenyang Institute of Physical Education

  19. 与时俱进,加速发展沈阳体育学院研究生教育

    Speed up Postgraduates ' Education Development of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education with the Same Step of Time

  20. 体育教师的学缘结构中,沈阳体育学院所占比例偏大。

    Shenyang Institute of Physical education has a large proportion on the learning margin structure of PE teachers .

  21. 沈阳体育学院体操普修技术课教学文件规范度的实践状况分析

    Present Situation of Teaching File 's Standard Degree of Gymnastics General Training Class in Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  22. 关于举办沈阳体育学院散打王比赛的构想

    Tentative Idea on Holding the Competition to Win the Top Laurels of Sanda in Shenyang Institute of Physical Education

  23. 结果表明:沈阳体育学院对基金项目课题的投入不够;

    The results show that the financing of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education devoted to fund items is scarce ;

  24. 浅析2005年沈阳体育学院毕业生面临的就业形势及对策

    Preliminary Analysis of the Employment Situation of the Graduates of Shenyang Physical Education Institute in 2005 and its Countermeasures

  25. 沈阳体育学院教师运用现代教学手段的状况调查与研究

    The Survey and Research on the Condition that Teachers in Shenyang Institute of Physical Education Use Modern Teaching Aids

  26. 加速发展研究生教育是沈阳体育学院发展的战略性举措。

    To speed up postgraduates ' education development of is the one of strategic measures for the whole institute progress .

  27. 沈阳体育学院橄榄球运动员身体机能形态素质特征研究

    A Research on the Characteristics of Rugby Athletes ' Physical Function , Figure , and Physique of Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  28. 因此,应加强沈阳体育学院橄榄球运动员力量、反应速度以及心肺功能的训练。

    From now on , we ought to strengthen training our athletes ' strength , relative strength , and cardio-respiratory function .

  29. 提高本科教学质量是沈阳体育学院改革发展的战略举措。

    Improving the teaching quality of undergraduate course is the strategic measures of form and development of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education .

  30. 沈阳体育学院部分优秀足球运动员膝关节屈伸肌群形态与力量的相关研究

    Relative Research on Form and Force of Knee Joints'Flexors and Extensors of Some Excellent Football Athletes in Shenyang Institute of physical Education