
  • 网络Miluo River;The Milo River
汨罗江 [mì luó jiāng]
  • [Miluo river] 中国南部湖南省北部的一条河。东源出于江西省修水县境,西源出于湖南省平江县境,流经汨罗县,在湘阴县入洞庭湖

  • 遂自投汨罗以死。——《史记·屈原贾生列传》

  1. 汨罗江的出名,主要是因屈原的关系。

    Miluo River famous , mainly because of the relationship between Qu Yuan .

  2. 汨罗江全长253公里,流域面积达5543平方公里。

    Miluo River total length of253 km , the basin area of5,543 square kilometers .

  3. 汨罗江在洞庭湖东侧,属洞庭湖水系。

    Miluo River in the east of Dongting Lake , the Dongting Lake water system .

  4. 据说,在秦王攻下楚国后,绝望的屈原选择了在汨罗江投江自尽。

    It was said that when he heard that Chu had fallen to the Qin , he drowned himself in the Miluo River .

  5. 汨罗江两岸粉墙村舍,桃红柳绿,民风淳朴,水草肥美,具有典型的江南水乡风貌。

    Miluo Jiangliang An Fenqiang cottages , Taohong Liulv , honest folk customs , water plants Feimei , with the typical style of Jiangnan Water Village .

  6. 屈原在楚国的首都,他的祖国被敌人侵占之后,于汨罗江溺水自杀。

    Qu Yuan committed suicide by drowning himself in the MiLuo river , after the capital of Chu , his mother Kingdom is overran by the enemy .

  7. 汨罗江的主要支流有昌江河、纸马河、车对河、钟洞河、木瓜河、黄金洞。

    Miluo River 's main tributaries of a river-chang , paper Ma River , the cars on the River , Tung Chung River , papaya River , gold holes .

  8. 公元前278年,楚国都城郢(今湖北江陵县)被秦军攻破,屈原感到救国无望,投汨罗江而死。

    In 278 BC , the capital of Chu Ying ( now Hubei Jiangling County ) was defeated Qin , Qu Yuan was no hope to save the country , the Miluo River to die .

  9. 后来,他听到楚国被秦国打败的消息,非常悲痛,感到自己已经没有力量拯救祖国,就跳进汨罗江自杀了。

    Later , when he heard the news that Qin had defeated the State of Chu , he was very grieved and felt that he had no power to save his motherland , and drowned himself in the Miluo Riverc .