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  1. 他的秘书,李娟小姐。

    His secretary , Miss Li Juan .

  2. 大多数时候,李娟都是来了又走,和邻居们没有多少交流。

    Most of the time , Li came and went without having much contact with neighbors .

  3. 王兴的父亲2004年因癌症去世,而李娟和自己母亲的关系也并不好。

    Wang 's father died from cancer in 2004 , and Li 's relationship with her mother was rocky .

  4. 李娟实在是太过小心谨慎,以至于其他当地人、甚至包括隔壁王兴的祖父母都很长时间没有见到过王兴。

    Li was so cautious that other locals and even Wang 's grandparents next door hadn 't seen the boy in a long time .

  5. 王兴急于到村外找工作,但是李娟阻止了他的野心,称外面的世界对他来说太过于危险。

    Wang was eager to look for work outside the village , but Li discouraged his ambitions , claiming that the world outside was too dangerous for him .

  6. 据调查显示,受害人李娟总是过分保护自己的儿子,禁止他在没有自己允许有和监督的情况下离开房子。

    According to the investigation , the victim , Li Juan , was always overprotective of her son , forbidding him from leaving the house without her permission and supervision .

  7. 至于她的儿子,李娟总是说他在学校或者在工作,因此李娟的邻居们都不清楚在这一事件之前王兴遭受了何种程度的人身限制。

    As for her son , Li always said he was at school or at work , so Li 's neighbors were unaware of the extent of Wang 's restrictions prior to this incident .