
  1. 我叫李刚,是旅行团的领队。

    I 'm Gang Lee , the leader of tour group .

  2. 谁怕谁?我爸是李刚。

    Who Fear Who ? My Father Is Li Gang .

  3. 我们到处在寻找李刚。

    We are looking for Li Gang here and there .

  4. 副歌唱到“我爸是李刚!”

    Pop songs with the refrain " my dad is Li Gang ! "

  5. 李刚是金阳县青花椒种植大户。

    King County Gang green pepper cultivation is large .

  6. 两个摄影师将会呈献李刚和周军的最新力作。

    Two Photographers will showcase the recent works of Li Gang and Zhou Jun.

  7. 阳光沙滩文化海洋&访第十四届青岛国际沙滩节组织委员会主任李刚

    Sunny Beach , the Cultural Sea The Beach

  8. 市场:英雄所向往的天下&李刚和罗庚的故事

    Market : The Place that Heroes Yearn For

  9. 李刚是武汉市疾病预防控制中心主任。

    Li Gang is the director of Wuhan Center for Disease Prevention and Control .

  10. 李刚被迫在电视上道歉,他的儿子被捕。

    Li Gang was forced to make a televised apology . His son was arrested .

  11. 既然李刚已经来了,那就把这个好消息告诉他吧。5。

    If Li Gang 's there , you go ahead and tell him the good news .

  12. 我的爸爸是李刚!

    My father is Li Gang !

  13. 李刚,是不是你又即将拥有一个外国客户了啊?非常好啊,祝贺!

    Bruceleeligang , you will have another foreign customer ? This is very good . Congratulations !

  14. 第一位:李刚和李启铭

    No.1 Li Gang and Li Qiming

  15. “我爸是李刚”“我叔是金国友”,都是典型的“拼爹”语言。

    " Dad fight ," the fight is the " father " of the position and strength .

  16. 李刚以他非凡的创新性摄影手法赢得了众多摄影行家的一致赞誉。

    Li Gang has won critical acclaim from photography experts for his remarkable innovations in photographic manipulations .

  17. 网上发起了用“我爸是李刚”作诗的比赛。

    An online contest challenged people to work " My father is Li Gang " into classical poetry .

  18. 本博客的目的是介绍香港李刚师傅一系永春白鹤拳资料。

    Welcome , this is a blog to introduce Sifu Lee Kong 's Yong Chun White Crane Kung Fu .

  19. 在河北保定,本周我们随机访问了一些学生,他们一致的对“李刚门”的处理表示谴责。

    In Baoding , Hebei students questioned at random this week uniformly denounced the handling of the Chen case .

  20. 他疾驶而去,喊道:“有本事你们告去,我爸是李刚!”

    He sped off , shouting , " report me if you dare ; my dad is Li Gang ! "

  21. 但随后,陈晓凤的家属解雇了他们的律师,并接受李刚46万元人民币(合69140美元)的补偿。

    But the family later fired their lawyer , and accepted 460,000 yuan ( $ 69,140 ) from Li Gang as compensation .

  22. 李刚描绘奇异风景和模糊的内心意识的摄影作品表达了他通过直觉对世界充满诗意的理解,并有一种和作者精神上的链接。

    Li Gang 's photographs of mysterious landscapes and vague interiors capture his intuitive , poetic view of the world and have spiritual associations .

  23. 在金阳,像李刚一样,许许多多的彝族群众因为种植青花椒而走上了致富的道路。

    In Jinyang , the same as the Gang , because many of the Yi people took to the cultivation of green pepper and rich .

  24. 如果说想要用这一结局平息大家对“李刚门”的议论,看起来也是不会成功的。

    If the settlement was intended to quash chatter about the Li Gang case , it , too , seems to have accomplished the opposite .

  25. 李刚说,人们应了解,所有的化学添加剂都可能对人体造成潜在危险,关键取决于其用量大小。

    People should keep in mind that all chemical additives may pose potential dangers to human health , depending on the amounts used , Li said .

  26. 他给陈广乾一家留下的电话号码,接听者是一名警官,他拒绝评论并说李刚没空。

    He gave the Chen family a contact number , but a police officer who answered the number declined to comment and said Li was unavailable .

  27. 如果可能的话,她愿意在卓有成就的[李刚教授]的指导下从事研究工作。

    If possible , [ she ] would like to do research work under the direc-tion of [ Professor Li Gang ] whose distinguished attainments are well-known .

  28. 肇事司机李启明则是保定市北市区公安局副局长李刚的儿子。

    The man accused of killing her , Li Qiming , is the son of Li Gang , the deputy police chief in the Beishi district of Baoding .

  29. 李刚说,男护士在遇到紧急情况时更沉着冷静,体格更强壮,针对重症监护室的工作性质,这两点都是极大的优势。

    Male nurses tended to be much calmer in emergencies and be physically stronger , Li said , adding that in the ICU calmness and strength were a great advantage .

  30. 但是,即便是李刚也表示,彩票在弥补国家社保基金短缺方面发挥了重要作用,意味着这个行业不会倒退。

    But even Mr Li says the importance of lottery income in helping to make up shortfalls in state social security funding means there will be no turning back the clock .