
  • 网络Sapporo University;Sapporo Gakuin University
  1. 但这个禁忌,已经被札幌大学医学院物理学家,日本政府辐射危害顾问高田打破。

    That taboo has been broken by Takada , a physicist at the faculty of medicine at Sapporo University , who is an adviser on radiation hazards to the government of Japan .

  2. 日本札幌医科大学的研究人员发现,啤酒花所含的化合物蛇麻烯能有效对抗呼吸道合胞病毒,而且有消炎作用。

    Japanese researchers at Sapporo Medical University found that humulone , a chemical compound in hops , was effective against the respiratory syncytial ( RS ) virus and was found to have an anti-inflammatory effect .