
  • 网络Magnet;Danny Manning;Maning
  1. 枯落物覆盖量增加使地表曼宁阻力系数n值加大,在枯落物覆盖量小于10.0t。

    The Manning resistant coefficient ( n ) increased with litter coverage .

  2. 在野外小区径流实验基础上,通过经转换的曼宁公式,对不同坡地地表的糙率系数n值进行了定量研究。

    Based on the field surface shallow flow experiments , the roughness coefficient value ( n ) on different land have been quantitatively demonstrated by changed Manning Formula in this pa-per .

  3. 据称最新的这次文件泄密也是由于下士曼宁(BradleyManning)。

    Army Private Bradley Manning has also come under interest in the latest release of documents .

  4. 石砾覆盖10%~40%时,曼宁阻力系数n值变化范围为0.0121~0.0696。(3)试验的27块样地的曼宁阻力系数n值介于0.0117~0.2207之间。

    Within the stone coverage of 10 % ~ 40 % , the Manning resistant coefficient ( n ) change from 0.0121 to 0.0696 . 3.Manning resistant coefficient ( n ) value range from 0.0117 to 0.2207 in 27 sample plots .

  5. 借助曼宁iPhone手机照出的亮光,我们仔细察看17世纪英国内战时留下的各种涂鸦作品,随后又爬进14世纪的一座秘密通道,并借助手电光,实地参观了地牢。

    We peer at 17th-century civil war graffiti by the light of Manning 's iPhone , climb into the opening of a 14th-century secret passage and look at the dungeons by torchlight .

  6. 他的前任伊丽莎•曼宁汉姆•布勒女爵士(DameElizaManningham-Buller)也曾在非公开讲话中传递过同样的信息。

    His predecessor , Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller , had delivered a similar message in private speeches .

  7. 本研究利用渠槽试验求得渠槽内覆盖布袋莲之曼宁系数,并利用HEC-RAS模式分析本试验渠槽内覆盖布袋莲对渠槽上游水位抬升之情况。

    In this paper , the Manning coefficients of channels covered with Eichhornia Crassipes were determined by model test .

  8. 据WAMU电视台的记者马特·拉斯洛报道,布拉德利·曼宁的律师试图利用曼宁在监狱中遭受的对待来翻案。

    Matt Laslo of member station WAMU reports Bradley Manning 's lawyers are trying to get the case thrown out , based on how he was treated in prison .

  9. 2K的社区经理曼宁会浏览推特,在Reddit的2K区,其他的粉丝网站如OpreationSporrts上跟网友互动,然后跟斯托弗一起分享影响玩家等级的观点。

    Manning , 2K 's community manager , browses Twitter , interacts on 2K 's Reddit and fan sites like Operation Sports and then shares influential gamers ' ratings opinions with Stauffer .

  10. 阴茎移植手术由CurtisCetrulo和DickenKo两位医生负责执行,他们对曼宁能恢复2012年丧失的功能持谨慎乐观的态度。在2012年时,阴茎癌的诊断不得不使他移除了阴茎。”

    Surgeons who performed the transplant , led by Curtis Cetrulo and Dicken Ko , however , are cautiously optimistic Manning will regain function that he lost in 2012 when a diagnosis of penile cancer led to an amputation of the penis .

  11. 本试验所求得覆盖布袋莲之渠槽曼宁系数随着流速改变,流速范围在0.76~11.65cm/s时其曼宁系数为0.026~0.416,而平均值为0.098。

    It was found that the Manning coefficient varies with the flow velocity and the average value is 0.098 when flow velocity is in the range of 0.76cm/s to 11.65cm/s .

  12. 主审法官林德上校(Col.DeniseLind)宣布判决结果时,曼宁身穿军装,面无表情的站在那里。这一判决意味着这名前情报分析员可能会在监狱中再呆上至少八年才可能被释放。

    Wearing his Army dress uniform , Pfc. Manning stood impassively as the presiding judge , Col. Denise Lind , delivered a sentence that means the former intelligence analyst will likely spend at least eight more years behind bars before he could be freed .

  13. 但曼宁表示,她会继续爆料。

    Monnin has said she remains committed to exposing the truth .

  14. 曼宁探员,过来看看这个。

    Agent manning , you need to come look at this .

  15. 起诉方依然坚持认为曼宁有自杀倾向。

    Prosecutors will continue painting Manning as a potential suicide risk .

  16. 曼宁告辞后,我一个人穿过空寂的院落走回房间。

    Manning leaves and I walk back across the deserted courtyard .

  17. 曼宁当庭为危害国家表示悔意。

    In court , Manning expressed regret for harming the country .

  18. 傍晚时分,我在院子里与曼宁会合。

    I meet Manning in the courtyard in the late afternoon .

  19. 但曼宁泄密行为的规模也是史无前例的。

    But the scope of Pfc. Manning 's leak was unprecedented .

  20. 布袋莲对渠槽曼宁系数之影响

    Effect of Eichhornia Crassipes on Manning coefficient in open channel

  21. 曼宁的宣判听证会将于周三举行。

    Manning 's sentencing hearing is set to start Wednesday .

  22. 曼宁公式在宽浅型河流中的应用

    An Application of Manning Formula in Shallow and Wide River

  23. 曼宁建议我务必不要错过下午4:30举行的火焰投石机表演。

    I am advised not to miss the flaming trebuchet at 4.30pm .

  24. 或者我会让曼宁和他的小组去做。

    Or I will order agent Manning and his team to do it .

  25. 曼宁特工确认嫌犯了吗?

    Was agent Manning able to apprehend the suspect ?

  26. 就像是上佩顿•曼宁教的橄榄球课一样

    It 's like I 'm taking a football class from Peyton Manning .

  27. 律师大卫·库姆斯表示,曼宁不是交易者,但是告密者。

    Attorney David Coombs says Manning was not a trader but a whistleblower .

  28. 曼宁因3项受贿罪状而被关进监狱。

    Manning was jailed on three counts of corruption .

  29. 当然,专业人士曼宁对比赛非常满意。

    Always the professionalist , Manning was entirely satisfied .

  30. 田间曼宁糙率系数的推求

    Calculation of Field Manning ′ s Roughness Coefficient