
  • 网络radio spectrum;Radio Frequency Spectrum;radiospe-ctrum
  1. 3月22日,该国通讯监管机构称,明年可能拍卖大量无线电频谱用于4G服务。

    On March22nd the country 's telecoms regulator said it would auction a chunk of radio spectrum next year for4G services .

  2. 另外,相比wi-fi拥挤的无线电频谱,可见光谱可以应对更多的传输方式。

    On the plus side , the visible light spectrum can handle way more traffic than wi-fi 's already crowded radio spectrum .

  3. RFID技术发展策略与无线电频谱利用(下)

    The RFID technological development strategy and the radio-frequency spectrum hope the jade (ⅱ)

  4. 其它3G设备开始在商店发售,如今3G也有了真正的消费案例:运营商担保了几十亿美元来获得无线电频谱,并建立网络,期间经历了十年的时间。

    Other 3G devices started hitting stores , and today there 's a real consumer case for 3G : almost a decade after carriers pledged billions of dollars to acquire wireless spectrum and build out networks .

  5. 设计了认知无线电频谱分配仿真平台,完成了FPGA和DSP相关程序设计以及显控软件开发,详细论述了基于该平台的频谱分配算法实现过程。

    The cognitive radio spectrum allocation simulation platform is devised in the thesis , and the development of correlative FPGA and DSP program and display control soft are accomplished , farther the process of the implement of spectrum allocation algorithm is discussed in in detail .

  6. 3月22日,该国通讯监管机构称,明年可能拍卖大量无线电频谱用于4G服务,且称要监管此次拍卖,以确保该国至少有四家全国性移动电话运营商,能为用户提供高质量无线数据服务。

    On March 22nd the country 's telecoms regulator said it would auction a chunk of radio spectrum next year for 4G services . And it said it wanted to manage the auction so as to ensure the country will have at least four national mobile-phone operators capable of providing consumers with higher-quality wireless data services .

  7. 无线电频谱资源用益物权法律问题研究

    The Study of Legal Issues on Usufructuary Right of Radiospectrum Resources

  8. 无线电频谱监测与分析系统设计及实现

    The Radio Spectrum Monitor and Analysis Systems Design and Realization

  9. 低频频段无线电频谱资源的应用与发展

    The Application and Development of the Low-frequency Radio Spectrum Resource

  10. 一种基于循环谱相关的认知无线电频谱感知

    Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Based on Cyclic Spectral Correlation

  11. 认知无线电频谱共享中的博弈论算法

    The Novel Based on Game Theory for Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio

  12. 无线电频谱和同步卫星轨道的合理利用

    Rational use of the radio frequency spectrum and of the geostationary satellite orbit

  13. 基于量子遗传算法的认知无线电频谱分配

    Cognitive radio spectrum assignment based on quantum genetic algorithm

  14. 基于阵列信号处理的认知无线电频谱空洞检测方法

    Method for Spectrum Hole Detection in Cognitive Radio Based on Array Signal Processing

  15. 基于博弈论的认知无线电频谱分配算法研究

    Research of Algorithm with Spectrum Selection of Cognitive Radio Basing on Game Theory

  16. 一种解决认知无线电频谱分配的量子遗传算法

    A Solution About Quantum Genetic Algorithm to the Allocation of Radio Spectrum Cognitive

  17. 基于滤波器组的认知无线电频谱检测

    Spectrum Sensing of Cognitive Radio Based on Filter Banks

  18. 在无线电频谱利用和对抗中,各种定向天线、宽频带天线、多频段天线、自适应(可变)波束天线等被大量使用。

    All kinds of antennas are applied in the confrontation of radio bands .

  19. 无线城市与无线电频谱资源管理的研究

    The Research between Wireless City and Spectrum Management

  20. 基于双线程机制的无线电频谱监测软件的设计及改进

    A Shortwave Monitoring System Based on Dual-Thread Mechanism

  21. 无线电频谱监测管理系统研究

    Research of Radio Spectrum Monitor and Management System

  22. 日本对无线电频谱资源的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Spectrum Resource in Japan

  23. 政府将扮演重要角色,尤其是考虑到无线电频谱将出现短缺。

    Because of very wet spring wether , apples will be in short supply .

  24. 法律视野中无线电频谱资源&我国无线电频谱所有权制度的完善方向

    Wireless Frequency Resources in Law Field & On the Perfection of Chinese Wireless Frequency Resources Ownership

  25. 自动无线电频谱记录设备

    Automatic radio-frequency spectrum recording equipment

  26. 无线电频谱法律调整研究

    Legal Adjustment to Radio Frequency

  27. 困扰大众已久的无线电频谱不足问题,未来将变成可用频率太多。

    The long-touted scarcity of radio spectrum in the future may be replaced by a surfeit of available frequencies .

  28. 然而,无线电频谱是一种不可再生的自然资源,其有效利用是极为重要的。

    However , radio spectrum is a kind of non-renewable natural resource and its effective use is of extremely significance .

  29. 在物联网存在与发展的诸多资源要素中,无线电频谱是当之无愧的基础性支撑资源。

    The radio spectrum is a well-deserved basic support resource in the existence and development of The Internet of Things .

  30. 建立了认知无线电频谱分配扩展模型,更加符合认知无线电系统的实际要求。

    An expanding model of graph coloring is builded , which is more suitable for the actual request of cognitive radio .