
yǐ nǐ
  • charming and gentle;graceful
旖旎 [yǐ nǐ]
  • [charming and gentle] 柔美的样子

  • 旖旎从风。——《史记·司马相如列传》

  • 顾青翠之茂叶,繁旖旎之弱条。——成公绥《木兰赋》

  • 说不尽软玉温香,娇柔旖旎。——《梼杌闲评——明珠缘》

旖旎[yǐ nǐ]
  1. 湖光旖旎、峭壁峥嵘,游客们被深深吸引了。

    The view of lake and plunging cliffs seduces visitors

  2. 于是每个想你的夜晚都充满了旖旎的绚烂。

    So every night think you are full of the gorgeous beautiful .

  3. 梦中的风光比银白海洋旁边绯红的宝塔更加旖旎艳丽。

    A dream is more romantic than scarlet pagodas by a silver sea .

  4. 你眼睛只能诉说旖旎和温柔。

    Thy looks should nothing thence but sweetness tell .

  5. 就披上黑色,做旖旎的哭丧者,

    Have put on black and loving mourners be ,

  6. 这个舞台上,5公里的旖旎湖岸,才是真正千载难逢、独一无二的主角。

    On this stage , the5-kilometer charming lakeshore is really the rare and unique star .

  7. 漫步柔软的沙滩,领略旖旎的海滨风光。

    Holidaymakers can take a stroll along the soft sand beach to enjoy the charming scenery .

  8. 双鱼非凡创造力透过一种海王星的旖旎、飘缥不定、没有焦点的方式传达。

    Pisces is very creative but in a Neptunian way-lovely , ethereal and none too focused .

  9. 他看到了古老的拉哈伊纳,夏威夷群岛的首府,太平洋上风光最旖旎的村庄。

    He saw one of the fairest villages in the Pacific , ancient Lahaina , capital of Hawaii .

  10. 三月的微风,舞着轻盈的衣袖,穿山越水,旖旎而来。

    March breeze , danced the light of the sleeve , the more water , mountains , charming coming .

  11. 深秋是最不能错过的出游季节,沿途的旖旎风景绚烂多彩,无不挑动人们的激情。

    Late autumn is the most can not miss the travel season , the scenery along the splendid scenery , all stir the passions .

  12. 乡村以其旖旎的田园风光、浓郁的乡土文化气息、新鲜的蔬菜瓜果和原滋原味的乡村生活而受到都市居民的亲睐。

    The townspeople are attracted by charming and gentle rurality scene , rural culture breath , fresh vegetable and fruit , local rustic life .

  13. 今夜星光点点,月色旖旎,纵使夏风如此温柔,也不能让我心感觉半点抚慰。

    Tonight Star little , moonlight landscape , even if the summer winds so gentle , we can not let my mind that any voting .

  14. 晓得你的心用轻蔑把我磨折,对我的痛苦表示柔媚的悲悯,就披上黑色,做旖旎的哭丧者。

    Knowing thy heart torments me with disdain , Have put on black and loving mourners be , Looking with pretty ruth upon my pain .

  15. 说明:这是为“世界之夜”项目拍摄的一幅夜景照片,灯火旖旎的加拿大温哥华,在水中呈现得更是华美而明亮。

    Explanation : Colorful and bright , the city lights of Vancouver , Canada are reflected in the water in this portrait of the world at night .

  16. 从审美上看,其早期词芳菲旖旎充满了清丽色彩,而行文的含蓄又给她的作品披上了一层朦胧面纱。

    From the aesthetic point of view , the-early work is full of elegant feeling and the implicit formulation gave her work covered with a hazy veil .

  17. 从万佛塔前广场俯视景洪市区,旖旎的热带风光尽收眼底。

    Looking down the Jinghong City area in front of the Wanfo ( Thousands of Buddha ) Pagoda , you can view the charming and gentle tropical scene within your sight .

  18. 在相当长的时期内,批评家们对多恩的诗歌及形而上学派诗歌创作持诟病的态度,认为那是旖旎玄虚的技巧摆弄。

    Nevertheless , for a very long of period , the metaphysical style of his poetry has been criticized by many professionals , who consider it as a show-off of intellect .

  19. 南麂岛以其丰富多样性的海洋生物,壮丽旖旎的海岛风光,被誉为“贝藻王国”、“海上神农架”。

    Nanji Island is known as " A Kingdom of Shellfish and Algae " and " Shennongjia on the Sea " with its abundant and various halobios , splendid island 's scene .

  20. 位于中国浙江省中部的武义县有宜人的温泉、悠久的养生文化,还有浓郁的畲乡风情和旖旎的自然风光。

    Wuyi County , located in the middle of Zhejiang Province , is home to agreeable hot spring , long-lasting health culture , characteristic lifestyle of the She People and charming natural scenery .

  21. 于是,有着优越环境条件的餐饮类园林建筑受到人们的关注,其周围旖旎的景色是市区中用地紧张的餐饮类建筑无法超越的。

    So , with favorable environmental conditions , food and beverage category by people concerned about landscape architecture , the scenery is around the charming city in the land of tension building unsurpassed dining category .

  22. 玫瑰羞红了脸,月亮躲进云霄,氤氲旖旎的室内,我像个新娇娘躺在雪白床单上,期待着最漂亮动人的瞬间为你绽放。

    Rose stood ashamed , the moon hide in the clouds , the beautiful interior , I like the new lying on white sheets , and looks forward to the most beautiful and moving moment for you in full bloom .