
  • 网络new mineral
  1. 长白矿(PbNb2O6)&一种铌铅氧化物的新矿物

    Changbaiite ( pbnb_2o_6 ), a new mineral of lead and niobium from Eastern kirin , China

  2. 铂族新矿物&峨眉矿OsAs2的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the new mineral of platinum group & omeiite osas_2

  3. 而高PH值的工作液不仅引起粘土矿物的分散、运移,而且还导致部分矿物的溶解和新矿物的沉淀,使渗透率大幅度下降;

    High PH fluids not only cause dispersion / movement of the clay , but also result in partial dissolution / precipitation of certain minerals , leading to drastic decrease in permeability .

  4. 新矿物彭志忠石-6H的晶体结构和晶体化学研究

    The crystal structure and crystal chemistry of a new mineral , pengzhizhongite-6h

  5. 二连石&一种含铁和钒的硅酸盐新矿物

    Erlianite , a new vanadium and iron silicate mineral

  6. 新矿物大庙矿&铟与铂的天然合金

    Damiaoite & a new native indium and platinum alloy

  7. 涂氏磷钙石:一种磷酸盐高压相新矿物

    Tuite : A new high - pressure phosphate mineral

  8. 高岭石、伊利石和储层砂中的骨架矿物主要发生溶蚀和生成新矿物相。

    Neomineralization and corrosion mainly occur in kaolinite , illite and other framework minerals .

  9. 单斜铜泡石&云南东川发现的一种含水的铜的砷酸盐新矿物

    Clinotyrolite & a new mineral of the hydrous copper arsenate discovered in dongchuan , Yunnan

  10. 新矿物高台矿&铱的碲化物

    Gaotaiite ── a new iridium telluride

  11. 中国新矿物综述

    New Minerals Discovered in China

  12. 这种改变过程可以涉及到早先矿物的重结晶以及新矿物的生长。

    The changes may include a recrystallization of the previous minerals or growth of entirely new minerals .

  13. 香花石是我国发现的第一个新矿物,它的形态非常复杂。

    The morphology of hsianghualie , the first new mineral discovered in China , is very complex .

  14. 如较多的魔界玩家为挖矿物,然后他们可能发现一种新矿物。

    As more Ma players dig for minerals , then they might discover a new variety of mineral .

  15. 评我国近年来发现的铂族元素新矿物

    Discussion on published articles in the research of new minerals of the platinum-group discovered in China in recent years

  16. 两年来我国发现的新矿物和矿物译名修订工作的进展

    Advances in nomenclature of new minerals found in China and modification of the translated names of minerals discovered abroad in recent two years

  17. 新矿物产于“姑苏城外”近郊苏州A型花岗岩上部氟铁云母分异岩中。

    It is present in the fluorannite differentiates at the top of the Suzhou A_type granite located in the western suburb of Suzhou City .

  18. 发现和明确了分散元素的三种主要存在形式即独立矿物、类质同象和吸附,首次在国内矿床中发现了一系列分散元素矿物和新矿物;

    Their three existence formats in ores have been discovered , which are their minerals , isomorphism and adsorption . Several new dispersed element minerals are found ;

  19. 新矿物等轴铂铜矿的发现及其命名问题阿尔泰若干花岗岩体矿物&水氧同位素交换反应动力学

    DISCOVERY OF ISOPLATINOCOPPER & A NEW MINERAL AND ITS NOMENCLATURE Oxygen Isotope Exchange Kinetics between Coexistent Minerals and Water in Some Granite Plutons of the Altay Mountains

  20. 构造片岩系列形成于地壳中浅部构造层次上,以位错蠕变和新矿物化作用为主,由同构造新生片状矿物和基质组成。

    Tectonic schists are formed by dislocation and new mineralization at the middle-high level of the crust , and consist of the syntectonic new minerals and matrix .

  21. 水泥新矿物的发明为发展高性能、低环境负荷的新型水泥及水泥行业的可持续发展提供了基础。

    The invention of new cement minerals can provide a basis for the development of new high-performance , low environmental load of cement and sustainable development of cement industry .

  22. 在山东蒙阴金伯利宕的副矿物蒙山矿中,首次发现了成分为柱红石类的新矿物相。

    A new mineral facies has been found for the first time in mathiasite , a minor mineral in the Mengying kimberlite in Shandong Province , resembling priderite in composition .

  23. 烧结过程中,没有新矿物产生,也没有矿物熔融作用参与,但岩石密度增加,晶粒长大。

    In the course of sintering , the new mineral is not producing and the mineral melting effect is not occurring either , but the density of rocks increases and the crystalline grains grow up .

  24. XRD和SEM表征结果表明,在碱性条件下,粉煤灰中有新的矿物相&沸石生成,沸石对NH4+有较强的离子交换作用,从而能达到提高氨氮去除率的目的。

    XRD and SEM results indicated that fly ash can partly convert to new mineral phases & zeolite in alkaline conditions . Zeolite has a strong iron exchange to NH4 + so that modified fly ash can improve the ammonia-nitrogen removal rate .

  25. 新变种矿物&铌铁锐钛矿及其共生矿物钕易解石

    A new variety of anatase & niobium anatase and associated aeschynite

  26. 我国发现的一种新铀矿物&湘江铀矿

    Xiangjiangite & a new uranium mineral discovered in China

  27. 当温度达到900℃时,蒙脱石的层状结构完全被破坏,并有新的矿物相X&SiO2产生。

    When the temperature reach 900 C , the layer structure of montmorillonite is destroyed , and the new mineral phase SiO2-x is found , when the temperature reach 1200C .

  28. 在电化学作用下,软岩的矿物成分会发生改变并生成新的矿物,电渗脱水固结使软岩的物理力学特性发生变化。

    Under the electrochemical treatment , the mineralogical composition of soft rock will alert and generate new minerals , and change the physical and mechanical properties by electroosmotic drainage . 2 .

  29. 前者主要是被污染地下水中阴离子替代组成含水层介质骨架的矿物晶格中阴离子,生成新的矿物相的过程。

    The metasomatic process is mostly the substitution of anions in the crystal lattice of minerals making up the matrix of aquifers by anions from polluted groundwater to form new mineral facies .

  30. 根据随变质作用增强而出现的新变质矿物,将相山变质岩基底划分为绢云母千枚岩带、黑云母片岩带、铁铝榴石片岩带和十字石片岩带。

    According to the appearance of typical metamorphic minerals with the increase of metamorphic degree , metamorphic rocks in Xiangshan area can be divided into four metamorphic zones : sericite phyllite zone , biotite schist zone , almandite schist zone and staurolite schist zone .