
  • 网络CNC machine
  1. 一台工业数控机的实现

    The Realization of an Industrial CNC Machine

  2. 公司下属铸造厂、锻造厂和索具厂,数控机加工中心和专业的热处理中心。

    The company has forging factory , casting factory , marine hardware factory , machining center and professional heat treatment center .

  3. 基于PC的教学型数控雕刻机实验系统开发

    The Development of Teaching NC Engraving Experimental System Based on PC

  4. Windows平台上三轴联动数控雕刻机的开发

    Development of 3 - axis Simultaneous - motioned NC Carving Machine on Windows Platform

  5. 数控液压机及其PID控制

    Design for Numerical Control Hydraulic Machines with PID Control

  6. 基于Linux平台的数控虚拟机系统

    An NC Virtual Machine System Based on Linux

  7. 用VC实现数控雕刻机加工过程仿真

    Simulation of NC Processing of Carving Machine with VC

  8. 船厂数控切割机两轴联动伺服控制器的PC模板化设计

    PC Board Design of a Two Linked Shafts Servo Controller for CNC Cutting Machine Used by Shipyards

  9. 基于FPGA实现的多轴数控雕刻机系统

    FPGA-based Multiply Axes CNC Carving Machine

  10. 基于IPC的数控折弯机分布式控制系统

    Study on the Distributed Control System for Press Brake CNC Based on IPC

  11. 基于数控弯管机的矢量弯管原理,利用PLC和定位模块控制单元相结合的方法来实现弯管机控制系统的设计。

    Based on the vector bender principle of the numerical pipe-bending machine , use PLC and position module to finish the design of bender 's control system .

  12. 采用虚拟样机技术开发机床的设计思路,结合CAD技术和仿真技术对数控旋压机的关键部件进行运动学分析;

    Aiming at design way of virtual prototyping technology , combined with CAD technology and simulation technology , dynamics analysis is carried for some key components of the device .

  13. 利用无刷电机作为驱动元件,以DSP作为控制芯片,实现了对数控雕刻机的伺服驱动与控制。

    In this paper , the carving machine is implemented and actuated by brushless DC motor ( BLDC ), which is controlled by digital signal processor ( DSP ) .

  14. 给出了在一种新的VC++开发环境下,实现BMP图像到数控雕刻机执行G代码的智能轮廓跟踪转换的方法。

    The approach to the conversion for intelligent contour tracing from BMP image to code G execution under the new VC + + development environment is given in the paper .

  15. 同时,对基于Labwindows/CVI的数控折弯机系统监控软件的体系结构和软件开发环境进行了深入的探讨。

    At the same time , the architecture and software development environment of the monitoring software for the CNC Press Brake System based on Lab Windows / CVI are discussed in detail .

  16. Pro/E的TOPDOWN技术在数控雕刻机设计的应用

    The Application of Pro / E Topdown Method in Designing a Numerical Control Engraving Machine

  17. RG-50小型数控折弯机液压系统存在的问题及其改进

    The Problem and Technical Reconstruction of Hydraulic Systemof RG-50 Small CNC Press Brakes

  18. CNC-4A数控气割机系统故障分析与排除

    The Analysis and the Elimination of the Breakdown of CNC-4A Digit-controlled Gas Cutter System

  19. 如何用数控切割机切割非标准图形

    How Cutting Non-Standard Figures by Use of Numerically Controlled Cutting Machine

  20. 数控缠绕机加工工艺参数监测系统的研究

    Research on Machining Technical Parameter Monitor System for NC Winding Machine

  21. 棒料数控弯曲机计算机控制流程的研究

    The Research on Computer Control Flow Sequence of CNC Bending Machine

  22. 数控缠绕机张力在线检测系统的设计

    Design of Tension Detecting System of a Numerical Controlled Winding Machine

  23. 数控切割机与计算机数据直接传输的一种方法

    A method of direct data-transmission for computer-numerical control cutting machine

  24. 高精度空间曲线数控切割机的精度分析

    Accuracy analyses for high-precision space curve numerical control cutting machine

  25. 数控提升机可编程控制器的可靠性设计

    Reliability Design to the Programmable Controller of Digitally Controlled Hoist

  26. 数控焊接机的研制开发与应用研究

    The Exploitation and Application Research of Numerical Control Welding Machine

  27. 单片机在电路板数控钻孔机中的应用

    The Application of Single Chip Microcomputer in PCB NC Drill

  28. 四轴联动开放式数控切割机控制系统研究

    Study on Cnc System for Cutting Machine with Multi-Coordinated Axis

  29. 数控缠绕机精密张力控制系统

    The Precise Tension Control System for Numeric Controlled Winding Machine

  30. 复合控制系统在大型数控切割机中的应用

    The Application of Feedforward-Feedback Control System in Large Digital Control Cutting Machine