
jiào liàn
  • coach;trainer;train;instructor;drill;practise
教练 [jiào liàn]
  • [coach;instructor;trainer] 从事教练工作的人

教练[jiào liàn]
  1. 她坐在摊位柜台后面的一条小凳子上,前前后后地观看那个长长的展览厅,这地方直到今天下午以前还是个空空荡荡难看的教练厅呢。

    She sank down on one of the little stools behind the counter of the booth and looked up and down the long hall which , until this afternoon , had been a bare and ugly drill room .

  2. 教练提出两名队员给予特别表扬。

    The team coach singled out two players for special praise .

  3. 教练通知他已被调出赛艇队。

    The coach told him he had been bumped from the crew .

  4. 她的教练决定她不应参加赛跑。

    Her trainer had decided she shouldn 't run in the race .

  5. 他因这次失败被撤销了运动队教练职务。

    He was jettisoned as team coach after the defeat .

  6. 教练对这个队的拙劣表现不以为然。

    The coach is downplaying the team 's poor performance .

  7. 教练站在场外,大声指挥运动员。

    The coach stood on the sidelines yelling instructions to the players .

  8. 那是他作为英格兰队教练的鼎盛时期。

    It was his finest hour as manager of the England team .

  9. 队员都信赖他们的教练。

    The players all have confidence in their manager .

  10. 该队迫切需要一个人来担任教练。

    The team needs someone to fill the role of manager very soon .

  11. 教练在场边大声发号施令。

    The coach bellowed instructions from the sidelines .

  12. 你有私人教练吗?

    Do you have a personal trainer ?

  13. 她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到游泳教练。

    She has had a number of different jobs , ranging from chef to swimming instructor .

  14. 他们撒开网四处物色新的运动队教练。

    They have spread their net far and wide in the search for a new team coach .

  15. 运动队教练不得不介入,才使两个运动员没有动起手来。

    The team coach was forced to step in to stop the two athletes from coming to blows .

  16. 托尼·伍德科克加盟德国业余队SC布吕克队担任教练。

    Tony Woodcock has joined German amateur team SC Brueck as coach .

  17. 纽约队不太需要他们的教练比尔·帕索斯的鼓动。

    New York needed little prompting from their coach Bill Parcells .

  18. 英国最顶尖的教练大都坐在台边区。

    Most of the top British trainers were at the ringside .

  19. 据了解,他和教练克里斯·安德森之间爆发了激烈争吵。

    It is understood he had a blow-up with coach Chris Anderson

  20. 这就是老被其他教练挑毛病的那个人。

    This was the man whom other trainers love to carp about .

  21. 她和一个脑筋不太好使的滑雪教练私奔了。

    She ran off with an intellectually challenged ski instructor .

  22. 我曾在联盟队担任过一段时间的教练。

    I had coached the Alliance team for some time .

  23. 任何称职的教练都会采取和我一模一样的行动。

    Any coach worth his salt would do exactly as I did .

  24. 英国教练正在检验拳手们的能力。

    The British coach is putting the boxers through their paces

  25. 他的航海教练在一次训练课时从船上失足跌入水中,溺水身亡。

    His sailing instructor fell overboard and drowned during a lesson

  26. 一些主教练最近就英格兰职业足球运动员协会负责这些谈判提出了异议。

    Some managers have recently raised objection to the PFA handling these negotiations

  27. 教练在第二场比赛中没有进行场上位置的调整。

    The manager has made no positional changes for the second game .

  28. 他不只是教练,更是朋友。

    He 's more than a coach , he 's a friend .

  29. 这位网球明星与他的奥地利教练分道扬镳。

    The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer

  30. 严格的训练是新任教练的秘密武器。

    Discipline was the new coach 's secret weapon .