- 动make noodles;roll dough

She used a rolling pin to flatten the pie dough .
Mom , may I learn to roll it ?
Making dough is a skill that girls in the Central Plains must master .
Place the dough on a greased work surface and roll out tto a10-cm wide and1-cm thick strip .
I'ma bust her kneecaps with a rolling pin and then say , " now that 's a good thing . "
For instance the reformed Zhajiangmian , topped with minced port , uses spaghetti instead of the traditionally made Beijing-style handmade noodles .
In Hong Kong there 's no such thing as a free lunch , learning the tricks of the trade , making these noodles is my task of the day .
If you want to know what 's going on in the economy , go to lunch , and in Hong Kong that means noodles.Lau Cheong Kei 's handmade noodles have been a staple for decades , but even these cheap mid-day snacks are not recessionproof .
The beauty of natural bamboo cooking utensils is that there are no artificial colours or coatings which can leach into your foods . Your rolling pin , BBQ utensils , mixing bowls and kitchen cooking utensils can all be swapped over to the natural , eco-friendly , very durable bamboo versions .
Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore .