
  • 网络Germany
  1. 在第一轮比赛中英格兰队与德国队以2:2打成平局。

    England tied 2 – 2 with Germany in the first round .

  2. 在决赛中,德国队发挥得几乎和阿根廷队一样出色。

    Germany ran Argentina very close in the final .

  3. 德国队综合得分为652分。

    The German team scored a combined total of 652 points .

  4. 经过五场比赛后,德国队排名第二。

    After five games the German team are lying second .

  5. 德国队几名主力队员因伤不能上场,削弱了进攻力量。

    Germany 's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury .

  6. 英国曲棍球队不敌德国队。

    Great Britain 's hockey players were outmanoeuvred by Germany .

  7. 英格兰队没有参赛,所以人们看好德国队应该会赢。

    With England not playing , the smart money was on the Germans

  8. 刚刚在半决赛中战胜德国队的英国队开场便取得了领先,形势一片大好。

    Fresh from their semi-final win over Germany , Britain took a promising early lead

  9. 意大利队明显比德国队要强。

    Italy were definitely a better side than Germany

  10. 周六的塔拉萨充满着紧张兴奋的气氛,德国队在此赢得了金牌。

    There were thrills in plenty on Saturday at Terrassa , where Germany won the gold medal

  11. 德国队1比2落后的情况下,克洛泽在第69分钟替补上场。

    Klose came off from the bench in the 69th minute when Germany were trailing 1-2 .

  12. 下面就来看看各种“赛事”都怎么说吧。friendly友谊赛今年三月,他们在友谊赛中以1比0击败德国队,这使得评论人士对先前的预测进行重新评估。

    The impressive nature of their 1-0 friendly win in Germany in March prompted critics to reassess their preconceptions 。

  13. 德国队被分在包括爱尔兰共和国队、喀麦隆队和沙特阿拉伯队在内的E组。

    They 've been drawn in Group E , which includes Republic of Ireland as well as Cameroon and Saudi Arabia .

  14. 他们的NBA经验确实帮助他们制造了很多领先的中国队在德国队赢得昨晚。

    Their NBA experience definitely helped them a lot in leading China team winning Germany team last night .

  15. 在2010年对德国队的16强比赛中,谁都知道英国人兰帕德(FrankLampard)射门打在横梁上之后球越过了门线。

    In match against Germany in 2010 , everyone knew that Englishman Frank Lampard 's shot off the crossbar crossed the line in the round of 16 .

  16. 德国队教练约阿希姆·勒夫(JoachimLöw)说,派格策上场时,曾指示他要向全世界展示,他是一个比利昂内尔·梅西(LionelMessi)更棒的球员。

    The coach Joachim L ö w sent him in with , L ö w said , the instruction to show the world he was a better player than Lionel Messi .

  17. 然而,由于这一广告的戏剧性精准预测,新加坡人力部长陈川仁在Facebook上评论道,貌似这个把全部积蓄赌在德国队上的小男孩的爸爸要大笑着去银行领钱了!

    However , because of the prophetic nature of the ad , Singaporean Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin commented via a Facebook feed , Looks like the boy 's father who bet all his savings on Germany will be laughing all the way to the bank !

  18. 上周美国队对德国队的比赛,在高峰时段,有创纪录的170万观众观看了ESPN的流媒体,有74.7万观众观看Univision的流媒体。

    Last week 's USA v Germany match drew a record 1.7m streaming viewers to ESPN at its peak , with streaming on Univision peaking at 747000 .

  19. 虽然上周四德国队在世界杯比赛中击败了美国队,但美国运动服装制造商耐克(Nike)称,借着世界杯的东风,耐克正将德国竞争对手阿迪达斯(Adidas)及其它品牌打得落花流水。

    Germany might have beaten the U.S. in a World Cup game on Thursday , but American sportswear maker Nike NKE 0.51 % says it is beating German rival Adidas and others off the field in stores thanks to the tournament .

  20. 这些年轻人更可能选择意大利队穿的杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)西服与德国队穿的雨果博斯(HugoBoss)西服尽管,他们青睐韩国队选择的实用型男装Galaxy的可能性不太。

    They are perhaps more likely to opt for the Dolce & Gabbana suit that will be worn by the Italian squad , or the Hugo Boss attire chosen for the Germans - although they might be less tempted by South Korea 's more practical choice from menswear brand Galaxy .

  21. 伦敦——当德国队上一次击败阿根廷队夺得世界杯冠军时,时任德国队教练弗朗茨·贝肯鲍尔(FranzBeckenbauer)声称,一旦东西德在年底实现统一,就再也没有谁能从德国队手中夺走冠军的称号。

    LONDON - The last time that Germany beat Argentina to win the World Cup , the coach , Franz Beckenbauer , said that once East and West Germany became unified at the end of that year , no one would ever take the title off them .

  22. 这种情况在美国队对德国队的比赛期间也发生过。

    That had also happened during the USA v Germany game .

  23. 在星期三,德国队在圣马力诺有一场国家队比赛。

    On wednesday , Germany play an international in San marino .

  24. 德国队以1比0战胜阿根廷夺得了世界杯冠军。

    Germany has won the world cup beating Argentina one nothing .

  25. 英格兰队和德国队之间的这场比赛很值得一看。

    The match between England and Germany will be worth watching .

  26. 对于德国队的球迷来说似乎是个好消息。

    It looks like a good thing for German football fans .

  27. 德国队在7分钟内回敬两球。

    The Germans struck back with two goals in seven minutes .

  28. 在世界杯决赛中德国队大败阿根廷队。

    Germany clobbered Argentina in the final of the worm cup .

  29. 德国队的右边锋往门前吊高球。

    The German outside-right lobs the ball to the goal .

  30. 他们以三比一击败德国队后进入决赛。

    They have entered the final by beating Germany 3:1 .