
  1. 徐坤小说研究综述

    A Summary of the Studies of XU Kun 's Novels

  2. 徐坤在其小说中运用其独特的话语策略。

    Xu Kun used a special tactic of utterance in her novels .

  3. 徐坤女性小说探析

    A Study of Xu Kun 's Novels on Women

  4. 化工行业老板办公室的布置采访北京周易研究会秘书长徐坤

    Layout of Boss ' Office in Chemical Industry

  5. 徐坤自身作为一位女性作家,理所当然要关心女性命运与出路。

    As a feminine writer , she must care about the feminine destiny and the outlet .

  6. 在新时期以来的优秀作家中,徐坤是个非常独特的存在。

    In the new era of outstanding writers , Xu Kun is a very unique presence .

  7. 徐坤“都市即景”系列作品中的女性意识探究

    The feminine sense in Xu kun 's serials of " extemporal views of urban life "

  8. 女性作家徐坤是90年代文坛著名的人物之一,其女性文学作品具有90年代中国女性文学创作独树一帜的风格。

    Woman writer Xu Kun is one of the celebrities in 1990 's Chinese literary world .

  9. 推开历史的重门&读徐坤的《女娲》

    Open the Doors and Gates of the History & A Study on Xu Kun s " Nvwa ";

  10. 徐坤以其小说的能产性和语言的游戏姿态,引起学术界的浓厚兴趣。

    Xu Kun causes great interest of the academic for the production and language game of her novel .

  11. 知识生活·欲望·悲剧性&浅析徐坤上个世纪90年代小说的精神意蕴

    " Intellectual " Life . Desire . Tragic : An Initial Analysis of the Spiritual Import of Xu Kun 's novels in 1990s

  12. 徐坤的女性意识有一个较长的发展过程,经历了由颠覆到无奈再到探寻女性精神自立,人格独立的转变。

    The development of XK 's feminine awareness is a long process , from perversion to helplessness , then to research of women spiritual independence .

  13. 徐坤的《厨房》以女性主义的文化叙事表达了现代女性爱情乃至生命的困惑,同时传达了对文明的反思。

    Kitchen of Xu kun with a way of cultural narration expresses modern women 's perplexity at love even life . and it also conveys the reflection on culture .

  14. 徐坤的女性写作是一种有着明显实践性目的的为女性、为她们求证生存合法性的写作,这多少影响了作品的外观。

    Kun Xu 's feminine writing is the kind of writing that has obvious practical purpose and prove survival validity for women and " them ", this has influenced the appearance of her works more or less .

  15. 女作家徐坤以“僭越”和“内省”的不同笔致,从身份反思的角度,抒写出社会转型期知识分子的边缘化存在以及历史和现实重压下女性的身份危机。

    By self-examination , the feminine writer Xu Kun elaborated in the masculine tone the situation of the Chinese intellectuals in the conversion period of the society , especially the crisis of the identity of the history and reality .

  16. 以林白、陈染、徐小斌、徐坤等为代表的新女性小说是90年代最引人注目的一道文学-文化景观,它标志着批判男权文化中心的女性意识和女性写作从无意识场景走向历史场景。

    Neo-Feminist Novel , taking LIN Bai , CHEN Ran , XU Xiao-bin , XU Kun as its representatives , is the most noticeable literature-culture landscape which symbolizes feminine awareness criticizing cultural center of male chauvinism , and that feminine writing has developed from non-consciousness to historical scenery .