
  • 网络kursk
  1. 俄罗斯天然气垄断公司Gazprom于莫斯科当地时间上午10点在乌克兰边境的库尔斯克压缩站停止了天然气供应。

    Gazprom , the Russian state gas monopoly , reduced the flow at 10:00 AM Moscow time at a compressor station in Kursk near the Ukrainian border .

  2. 库尔斯克战役刚过去两周。

    The Battle of Kursk had ended just two weeks before .

  3. 他们还相信她在1980年预言了俄罗斯的灾难:(小编注:应该是库尔斯克核潜艇沉没的事情)

    They also believe she predicted the Russian disaster in 1980 :

  4. 斯大林格勒战役及库尔斯克战役是第二次世界大战的转折点。

    The battles of Stalingrad and Kursk were turning points of the conflict .

  5. 库尔斯克号核潜艇事故的启迪与教训

    Some Enlightenments and Lessons from the Kursk Accident

  6. 打捞“库尔斯克号”核潜艇河北省平原农区肉羊规模舍饲的前景分析

    Prospect Analysis of Sheep or Goat Raising in the Agricultural Region of Hebei Province

  7. 库尔斯克战役时德军在几个城镇中作过战。

    During the Kursk battle , German units fought in several towns and cities .

  8. 打捞库尔斯克号的工作按计划将在大约两周后开始。

    The operation to raise the Kursk is scheduled to begin in about two weeks .

  9. 法律地震学与库尔斯克号核潜艇沉没关于潜水艇战争法规的议定书

    Forensic seismology and the sinking of the Kursk Proces-Verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare

  10. 库尔斯克地区一家农场的经理基拉穆索夫认为,今年收成可能会很不错。

    Yuri Khramtsov , manager of a farm in the Kursk region , expects a strong crop this year .

  11. 挪威籍的瑞加利亚号潜水平台周日架设在库尔斯克号潜艇所沉没的北冰洋巴伦支海中。

    The Norwegian diving platform " Regalia " at the scene of the sunken Kursk submarine in the Arctic Barents Sea on Sunday .

  12. 摩托车侧兜上的双竖条标志是该师在库尔斯克战役时使用的。

    The twin bar emblem on the front of the sidecar was used as a divisional symbol by Das Reich during Battle of Kursk .

  13. 从滇缅公路到北极行动、库尔斯克的杀戮战场再到伦敦的闪电战,现在世人已听到了他们的心声。马克斯?

    From the Burma Road to the Arctic convoys , the killing fields of Kursk and the London Blitz , their voices are heard .

  14. 人们永远不会忘记在库尔斯克战役中的辉煌胜利,这是战争史上规模最大的坦克战役。

    People will never forget the Great victory in the Battle of Kursk & the tanks'battle of the largest scale ever listed in the history .

  15. 与此同时,阿姆斯特丹的一个船厂正在改装一艘大型平底驳船,这艘驳船是用来运送被打捞起来的“库尔斯克”号的。

    In an Amsterdam shipyard , meanwhile , a massive pontoon is being modified for use in transporting the sub to a dock once it 's lifted .

  16. 而那118位命丧库尔斯克号的船员们,或许不会是今年里唯一的一批在丑陋,恶劣的环境下牺牲的俄罗斯士兵。

    The118 sailors who perished on the Kursk submarine will not be the only Russian servicemen to forfeit their lives in ugly , violent circumstances this year .

  17. 肉鸡数以千计扔掉死在库尔斯克地区的家禽在农场以外的人,因为没有什么养活他们的。

    Thousands of broiler chickens were thrown away to die outside at one of the poultry farms in Kursk region , as there was nothing to feed them with .

  18. 在世纪之交的时候,大概是1999年或者2000年的8月,库尔斯克将被水淹没,整个世界都会为之流泪。

    At the turn of the century , in August of 1999 or 2000 , Kursk will be covered with water , and the whole world will be weeping over it .

  19. 北非洲丢掉了,盟军也正通过意大利向北推进,在东线的库尔斯克,最后一次大规模进攻也被坚决地击退了。

    North Africa had been lost , Allied armies were moving north through Italy , and the last great offensive of the war in the east at Kursk had been decidedly repulsed .

  20. 苏联其他地方进行的主要战斗都是至关重要的,比如斯大林格勒会战和库尔斯克会战,而西北方面军的战斗只有局部重要性。

    Elsewhere in the Soviet Union major battles got under way , such as the Battle of Stalingrad or the Battle of Kursk , but at the North-Western Front all fighting was that of local importance .

  21. 而在鹿特丹,人们则正在对一台用于切割库尔斯克号船壳的链锔进行测试。撤切尔夫人是一直反对被设计来使联邦制的欧洲合众国框架就位的马斯垂克特条约的。

    And in Rotterdam , a special chain saw is being tested prior to being used to cut into the Kursk 's hull . Mrs. Thatcher has been vehemently opposed to the Maastricht Treaty designed to set in place the framework for a federal United States of Europe .