
  • 网络unitary transformation
  1. 一类双曲型Dirac算符及幺正变换

    A Kind of Dirac Operator in Hyperbolic Complex Space and Unitary Transformation

  2. 在此过程中我们只使用了幺正变换和Hadamard变换,而不需要经典通信。

    In the process , only the unitary transformation and Hadamard transformation are nsed .

  3. 经过第一次幺正变换后,我们求出极化势(polarizationpotential);

    The polarization potential can be gained by the first canonical transformation .

  4. 不管Bob拥有的粒子处于何种量子态上,本文首先进行一个唯一确定的幺正变换U1(我们称之为U变换);

    The unitary transformation we named U transformation is same for different quantum state belonging to Bob .

  5. 给出了实现通信的量子线路,并以该线路为基础计算了Bell基及对应的幺正变换矩阵和量子门。

    The circuitry of quantum communication is provided , and the author obtains Bell radix and quantum gate for corresponding unitary transformation matrix by the circuitry .

  6. 第五章通过量子保真度(fidelity)在输入信号的幺正变换下的不变性定义了量子二进制对称信道。

    In chapter 5 , we define quantum binary symmetric channels via the invariance of fidelity under unitary transformation of input density operators .

  7. 这两个幺正变换的得到,由PhysicsReviewA和PhysicsReviewLetters多篇文献从1998年到2003年完成,其间,推得时加诸多个条件。

    The deviations of the two unitary transformations were obtained through a great deal of paper in Physics Review A and Physics Review Letters from 1998 to 2003 , and many constraints imposed as deviation .

  8. 第二种方案利用有序的四粒子W态为信息载体,利用幺正变换对秘密消息进行编码,通过当地Bell基测量和经典通信直接传递秘密消息。

    The second scheme takes the ordered four-particle W state as the information carrier , using unitary permutation to encode and directly transfers secret message by local Bell base measurement and classic communication .

  9. 我们也给出了幺正变换方法的解析结果,但是这个方法不能够从本质上修正RWA下的结论。

    An analytical results based on an unitary transformation are also given , which could not modify the RWA picture essentially .

  10. 通过Alice的Bell基测量和Bob的计算基测量及幺正变换,实现N粒子任意未知态的概率传送。这种方案成功实现的概率为(2/3)~N。

    The teleportation scheme of an N-particle unknown state can be realized by Alice 's Bell-state measurements and Bob 's computation basis measurements and unitary transformations with the probability of the successful teleportation ( 2 / 3 ) ~ N.

  11. 利用Bell态测量和Hadamard门测量,如果接收者引入一个联合幺正变换,就能实现一个任意两粒子态的概率传递,这个联合幺正变换是唯一的。

    With the help of Bell-state measurements and Hadamard measurement , an arbitrary two-particle state can be perfectly teleported if a receiver introduces a collective unitary transformation . The unitary transformation is given uniquely .

  12. 用超对称幺正变换求解Jaynes-Cumming模型

    A solution to Jaynes-Cumming model by using super - symmetric unitary transformation

  13. 在任意三粒子量子态的隐形传送方案中,本文对接收者(Bob)所拥有的粒子进行联合幺正变换的方法和其他论文不同。

    According to these messages , one can configure all information of the original quantum state at place B.In the scheme of teleporting an arbitrary three-particle entangled state , the collective unitary transformation performed by Bob is different from in others .

  14. 在此方案中发送者Alice只要进行两次Bell态测量,并将测量结果通过经典信道告诉Bob,Bob根据接收到的信息即可通过相应的幺正变换来重建Alice要传输的量子态。

    In the process , the sender Alice makes the Bell states measurement twice , and then sends the outcome to Bob by classical channel , so Bob can reconstruct the quantum state which Alice wants to send by using the corresponding unitary transformation .

  15. 在广义动量表象中,通过幺正变换,系统的薛定谔方程转化为标准的马丢(Mathieu)方程的形式,在WKM近似下,计算了系统的能谱和电流的量子涨落。

    With a unitary transformation , the Schrodinger equation is transformed into the standard Mathieu equation in the generalized momentum presentation . The energy spectrum and the wave functions of the system are obtained .

  16. 用超对称幺正变换解推广的Jaynes&Cummings模型

    Solving a generalized jaynes & cummings model by supersymmetric unitary transformation

  17. 因此局部幺正变换下的不变量就成了一个需要研究的重要对象。

    Therefore , the invariants of local unitary transformations have special importance .

  18. 利用一般的量子克隆幺正变换形式,得到克隆的保真度。

    By exploiting a general unitary transformation , the fidelity of clones is derived .

  19. 与不变量有关的幺正变换方法和三次量子化宇宙波函数的演化

    Invariant-Related Unitary Transformation Method and Evolution of the Third-Quantized Wave Function of the Universe

  20. 换言之,矩阵的厄密性在幺正变换下保持不变。

    In other words , The Hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations .

  21. 首次在自由空间量子通信实验中实现实时同步幺正变换。

    The first time , the real-time unitary transformation was realized in free-space quantum communication experiment .

  22. 根据超对称量子力学理论,引入了超对称幺正变换使其哈密顿量对角化。

    Based on supersymmetric mechanics , it is introduced supersymmetric unitary transformation to diagonalize the Hamiltonian .

  23. 时间依赖的幺正变换方法研究变质量系统

    The Study of the System with Varying Mass by Making Use of the Time-dependent Unitary Transformations

  24. 用光学方法实现幺正变换及一般线性变换(Ⅱ)&用迭代法求解

    Unitary transformation and general linear transformation by an optical method (ⅱ) & the iterative method of solution

  25. 进一步的理论分析表明,只有存在一个幺正变换对称群时,才有一个守恒定律。

    Further theoretical analysis indicates that there is a conversation law only when unitary transformation symmetry group exist .

  26. 一个不变量的完全集合可以用来确定两个态在局部幺正变换下是否是等价的。

    A complete set of invariants can be used to judge the equivalence of two states under LUT .

  27. 基于腔量子电动力学,提出实现这类量子克隆幺正变换的实验方案。

    Based on the cavity quantum electrodynamics , a scheme to implement the transformations of quantum cloning is proposed .

  28. 通过研究表明,接受者只要采取适当的幺正变换的策略就可以实现概率性的隐形传态。

    We show that the teleportation can be successfully realized with a certain probability if the receiver adopts an appropriate unitary-reduction strategy .

  29. 而我们所得两个具体幺正变换仅需一个自然要求:两拷贝忠信度相同。

    While we obtained them by only one natural demand , that is , the two fidelities at the output are equal .

  30. 对于给定的两个混合态,如何判定其在局域幺正变换下的等价性是量子信息理论的重要问题之一。

    One of the important questions in quantum information theory is how to judge whether two mixed states are equivalent under LUT .