
  1. 尽管政府主导的基础设施投资继续发挥着领头羊作用,私营部门的投资也显示出积极的迹象,高盛经济学家宋宇(YuSong)表示。

    While government-led infrastructure investments continue to lead the charge , private investments are showing positive signs as well , said Yu Song , Goldman economist .

  2. 超出预期的贷款供应,反映了10月下旬政策立场的变化,高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家宋宇表示。

    Above expectation loan supply reflected the change in policy stance in late-October , said Goldman Sachs economist Yu Song .

  3. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)分析师宋宇上周对客户表示,中国经济活动极为疲弱。

    Yu Song , analyst at Goldman Sachs , told clients last week that Chinese economic activity was exceedingly weak .

  4. 他希望比以前更重地踩油门,更轻地踩刹车,高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家宋宇表示。

    He wants to step on the accelerator a bit harder than before and step on the brake less than before , said Yu Song , an economist at Goldman Sachs .

  5. 我们相信,需要力度更大的措施,才能减少未来几个月的过热风险,高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家乔虹(HelenQiao)和宋宇表示。

    We believe more forceful measures are required to reduce the risks of an overheating in the coming months , say Yu Song and Helen Qiao , economists at Goldman Sachs .

  6. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家宋宇(YuSong)和乔虹(HelenQiao)表示,央行未公开宣布新要求的事实,可能反映了中国经济所面临的重大不确定性,以及政策制定者意见的分歧。

    The fact the central bank has not publicly announced the new requirements could reflect the significant uncertainties facing the economy and disagreements among the views of policymakers , according to Goldman Sachs economists Yu Song and Helen Qiao .

  7. 在春节假期之后的几周内,出口受到的影响远大于进口,因为出口企业更倾向于延长实际假期。高盛(GoldmanSachs)中国经济学家宋宇表示。

    During the several weeks following the Lunar New Year holiday , distortions affect exports much more than imports because exporters have a much greater tendency to take extended holidays , said Yu Song , China economist at Goldman Sachs .

  8. 虽然官方的采购经理人指数应该经过季节因素调整,但它仍展现出明显而强劲的季节规律,高盛(GoldmanSachs)两名经济学家宋宇和乔虹在一份发给客户的简报中表示。

    Although the official PMI is supposed to be seasonally adjusted already , it still exhibits a clear and strong seasonal pattern , said Yu Song and Helen Qiao , two economists at Goldman Sachs , in a note to clients .

  9. “在这个基本情形之外,相对小幅、象征性的一次性升值仍有可能,但更大幅度变动的几率仍可以忽略不计,”高盛经济学家乔虹(helenqiao)和宋宇在一份报告中表示。

    " Outside this base case , a relatively small and symbolic one-off revaluation remains possible but the likelihood of a more sizeable move remains negligible , " Goldman Sachs economists Helen Qiao and Yu Song said in a report .

  10. 高盛(goldmansachs)经济学家宋宇表示,3月份贷款的大幅飙升没有完全反映出实体经济的基本需求,而是“主要受到政策刺激的推动,这要求为投资项目提供大量资金”。

    Yu Song , an economist with Goldman Sachs , said the surge in credit in March did not fully reflect fundamental demand from the real economy , but it had been " mainly driven by the policy stimulus which requires a large amount of funding for investment projects " .

  11. 2005年政府投资新趋向&访北京市发改委投资处处长宋宇

    New trends in the investment in Beijing in 2005

  12. 宋宇,北京旅游开发委员会会长表示,他们将会及时收集各旅游景点的相关信息以此来避免拥挤

    Song Yu , head of the Beijing Tourism Development Commission , said Beijing would collect information about the capacity of tourist attractions to avoid overcrowding .

  13. 高盛公司的经济学家宋宇和乔虹说,投资反弹的速度比他们预想的要快,这提高了国内需求的可能性。

    Yu Song and Helen Qiao at Goldman Sachs said the rebound in investment came sooner than they had expected , increasing the chances that domestic demand will be stronger than they thought .

  14. 高盛经济学家乔虹和宋宇周四表示,这些最新数据意味着政府需要采取“更坚决的紧缩措施”,以防止经济过热。

    Helen Qiao and Yu Song at Goldman Sachs on Thursday said the new figures showed the government needed to take " more decisive tightening measures " in order to prevent the economy from overheating .

  15. 乔虹在和同事宋宇合著的一份最新报告中写道,与贷款限令相比,存款准备金率拥有限制银行基本放贷能力的优势。

    Compared with restrictions on loans , the RRR has the advantage of limiting the fundamental ability of banks to lend ,  writes   Ms Qiao in a recent report co-authored with a colleague , Yu Song .

  16. 宋宇教授表示,只要政府能够控制住通胀预期,通胀应该不是个大问题。但葛艺豪指出,现在抑制物价上涨可能已经为时过晚。

    Prof Yu says that inflation should not be too much of a problem as long as the government can control inflationary expectations . However , Mr Kroeber argues that it might already be too late to prevent higher prices .