
  • 网络annabelle;ANNABELLA
  1. 安娜贝拉告诉我你在找一样东西是我从乔纳森·吉尔伯特那拿走的

    Annabelle tells me you 're looking for something I took from Jonathan Gilbert .

  2. 安娜贝拉应该快回来了

    Annabelle should be back in a minute .

  3. 这是上好的酒,安娜贝拉,你得尝尝。

    This is a serious wine , annabelle , you 've just got to try some .

  4. 费尔夫人来了谢谢你安娜贝拉这一页有提到艾米莉

    Mrs. Fell is approaching.Thank you , Annabelle . Here 's a reference that he wrote about Emily .

  5. 是真的吗萨默斯小姐吗是我你好珍珠你好这是我女儿安娜贝拉

    Are you serious ? Miss Sommers ? Yes ? Hi , Pearl.Hi . This is my daughter Annabelle .

  6. 本期视频节目比利和安娜贝拉将会为大家展示如何制作巧克力玫瑰。

    In this VideoJug tutorial Billie and Annabelle from confection perfection in , show you how to make chocolate roses .

  7. 就读于清华大学自动化专业、24岁的王泽源(音译)向贝塔斯曼中国控股有限公司总经理安娜贝拉•龙讨教了一番。

    Wang Zeyuan , 24 , an automation major from Tsinghua University , quizzed Annabelle Long , chief executive of Bertelsmann China Corporate Center .

  8. 轮到这对情侣的时候,安娜贝拉跟着他们走进了房间,在新娘旁边安静地观赏了仪式,并把她带来的花束递给了新娘。

    After the couple 's number was called , Annabelle followed them into the room and stood quietly watching the ceremony next to the bride , handing her the bouquet she brought along .