
  1. 2009年春,孟津县在进行第三次全国文物普查时发现一件珍贵石器。

    In2009 , one stone plane was discovered in Mengjin county in Luoyang .

  2. 从巫到神灵:对孟津长秋村大神信仰的考察

    From Witch to Shen : Investigation of Da Shen Faith in Chang Qiu Village

  3. 在河南孟津地区发现全新世古土壤-黄土沉积剖面和湖沼相沉积剖面。

    A holocene paleosol-loess sediment profile and lacustrine sediment profile were found in Mengjin , Henan province .

  4. 在探讨潜在蒸散量计算方法的基础上,计算出孟津县农田潜在蒸散量和土壤含水量;

    The paper probes into the methods of calculating the potential evaporation and gives an appropriate method to calculate soil water content and potential evaporation .

  5. 除在孟津至桃花峪间纳入伊洛河、沁河,在山东汇入大汶河等少数几条支流外,再无其它支流汇入。

    No other branches pour into the yellow river except River Yiluo and River Qin from Mengjin to Peach blossom valley , and River Dawen in Shandong .

  6. 将都城扩至沣水以东的镐京(今陕西长安县境),积极作灭商的准备。公元前1048年,武王在孟津召集八百诸侯会师盟誓伐纣。

    In 1048 BC , King Wu called in eight hundred vassals to have a meeting , making a pledge to conquer the Shang Dynasty at Mengjin .

  7. 在豫西孟津县旱农褐土丘陵区,进行了小麦施用钾肥及其与氮肥配施的研究。

    The K application in matching with N fertilizer was conducted in hilly area with cinnamon soil in Mengjin County of the west part of Henan Province .

  8. 为更好地保护黄河湿地资源,2003年6月国务院批准建立了河南黄河湿地国家级自然保护区,以三门峡、孟津和吉利3个湿地自然保护区为基础。

    Sanmenxia the wetland park planning and construction and efficiency evaluation to better protect the wetland resources , the state council approved in june 2003 , establish a national reserves .