
tiān wēi
  • Tianwei;heavenly might
天威 [tiān wēi]
  • (1) [the prestige of Heaven;emperors prestige]∶天道威严;也指帝王的威严

  • (2) [martial prowers]∶神奇的威力;神威

  1. “天威广告品牌”将继续致力于客户VI形象打造及推广、市场推广、销售推广;

    " Tianwei brand advertising ," customers will continue to work to create and promote the image of VI , marketing , sales promotion ;

  2. 天威加工中心拥有先进的微型环形绕线机,专业的检测仪器,采用ISO9002质量管理体系,保证产品质量稳定。

    Tianwei machining center with advanced micro-ring Coiling Machine , professional instrumentation , the use of ISO9002 quality management system to ensure product quality stability .

  3. 为适应杭州湾大桥水上施工的需要,中港一航局从日本购买一艘700t全旋转式多功能天威号工程船舶,该船配备有荷兰制造IHC型号系列液压打桩锤。

    To meet the demands of over-water construction of Hangzhou Bay Bridge , CHEC-Tianjin Port Construction Company purchased a 700t totally rotary multi-functional engineering ship named " Tian Wei Hao " from Japan which was equipped with liquid driving hammer of IHC series manufactured by the Netherlands .

  4. 天威电器是从事各类电焊机转换开关,辅机具的专业生产企业。

    Tianwei Electrical Appliance is one professional manufacturer engaged in producing welder chang-over switch and auxiliary appliance .

  5. 天威尚未降临大地,金黄等待着犁沟纵横,仍有一种神异的变化,推动大自然向前的进程。

    Remit as yet no Grace No Furrow on the Glow Yet a Druidic Difference Enhances Nature now .

  6. 保定天威集团以敏锐的市场触觉和超前的战略眼光,全面进入新能源领域。

    Acute market intelligence and excellent strategic vision justified the decision of Baoding Tianwei Group to enter into the whole range of new energy sector .