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kuí zhōu
  • Kuizhou
夔州[kuí zhōu]
  1. 论杜甫夔州诗歌的孤独意识

    On Du Fu 's Feeling of Loneliness in his KuiZhou Poems

  2. 杜甫夔州诗反映,唐代夔州农业整体水平滞后,手工业稍有可称者,然一枝独秀的则是商业,这也正好反映了唐代整个重庆地区经济开发的实况。

    Dufu s Kuizhou poems reflect that the whole agriculture of Kuizhou during the Tang Dynasty was backward , handicraft industry was a little developed , and the most developed one was commerce .

  3. 杜甫一生颠沛流离,游历了很多地方,接触了不少地方的风俗习惯,尤其是在夔州地区更深的感受到了当地少数民族&獠族的风俗。

    As Du spent his life in many different areas and contact many customs , especially in KuiZhou , he felt the customs of local ethnic group & Liao . He even had some servants who were from Liao .
