
  • 网络accumulated bauxite
  1. 平果堆积型铝土矿地质特征及遥感找矿预测某矿石码头堆场矿石分级压载的地基沉降预测

    Geological characteristics and remote sensing forecasting of accumulated bauxite of Pingguo Prediction of foundation settlement of a heap of ore-port under multi-stage loading during period of use

  2. 平果铝土矿是目前世界上最早开发成功的岩溶堆积型铝土矿,矿石分布点多面广,储量多,经济价值巨大。

    Pingguo bauxite is the karst accumulated bauxite which is exploited firstly in the world . The ore is widely distributed with large reserves and tremendous economic value .

  3. X射线衍射增量法在三水铝石定量分析中的应用&以桂西堆积型铝土矿中的红土为例

    Application of X-ray diffraction increment method to quantitative analysis for gibbsite : an example of red soil from accumulated type bauxite in Western Guangxi

  4. 简述了X射线衍射增量法进行定量分析的原理、实验过程和实验条件,并用该方法对桂西堆积型铝土矿中的红土三水铝石进行了定量分析。

    The paper has briefly described the basic principle of X-ray diffraction increment method , experiment process and conditions and successfully applied the method in quantitative analysis on gibbsite in red soil from accumulated type bauxite in Western Guangxi .

  5. 广西岩溶堆积型铝土矿矿床特征

    Characters of the karst cumulation type bauxite deposits in the Guangxi Province

  6. 堆积型铝土矿的采空区复垦技术

    Regeneration Technology on Mined - out Area of Stacking - type Bauxite

  7. 浅谈平果岩溶堆积型铝土矿的工业指标

    Brief Talk on Industrial Index of Karst Stack Type Bauxite Deposit in Pingguo

  8. 桂西堆积型铝土矿中三水铝石矿综合利用前景

    Prospects for Comprehensive Utilization of Gibbsite from Accumulated Bauxite in Western Guangxi Province

  9. 平果岩溶堆积型铝土矿洗矿生产流程的优化

    Optimization of ore washing process flow for Pingguo karst and deposit type bauxite mine

  10. 堆积型铝土矿生产氧化铝选址应注意的问题

    Matters to Be Paid Attention to in Site Selection for Producing Alumina from Heap-up Bauxite

  11. 关于平果岩溶堆积型铝土矿的勘探网度,过去已进行探讨和论述。

    The exploratory grid of karst accumulation type bauxite of Pingguo was discussed in past time .

  12. 堆积型铝土矿采场土壤对雨季采矿的影响研究

    The Influences the Stope Soil on the Mining Activity During Rains in a Accumulational Bauxite Mine

  13. 平果岩溶堆积型铝土矿地质特征及其成因探讨

    Discussions on Geologic Features of Karst Accumulation Type Bauxite Orebody and Its Cause of Formation in Pingguo

  14. 广西两种三水铝石铝土矿成矿的差异性桂西堆积型铝土矿中三水铝石成因矿物学研究

    DIFFERENCES OF MINERALIZATION OF TWO GIBBSITE BAUXITES IN GUANGXI PROVINCE Minerageny of gibbsite in accumulation-type bauxite deposits in western Guangxi

  15. 堆积型铝土矿露天采场选址与开拓顺序优化研究从露天煤矿中开发矿石。

    Optimization on the Open pit location and Development Sequence of Accumulative Bauxite Deposit extract ( ore ) from a strip-mine .

  16. 区内原生铝土矿形成于海相的沉积环境,堆积型铝土矿由原生沉积型铝土矿风化淋滤而成。

    The primary bauxite was formed in a marine sedimentary setting and the cumulated bauxite was derived from weathering-leaching of primary bauxite .

  17. 探讨了堆积型铝土矿分带的形成机制,是原生矿层导致地貌动力平衡变化的结果。

    It is concluded that the accumulative bauxite zoning resulted from the of the landform dynamic equilibrium caused by the action of the primary bauxite datum plane .

  18. 根据堆积型铝土矿矿体的特点,结合生产工艺技术的要求,构建堆积型铝土矿堆场的不定量与定量配矿的数学模型。

    According to the characteristics of the accumulated bauxite and the demands of production technology , the mathematical model for non-quantitative and quantitative ore blending in yard was constructed .

  19. 在开发利用我国广西岩溶堆积型铝土矿过程中,铝土矿洗矿尾矿(以下简称尾矿)是主要废弃物之一。

    In the process of exploiting karst accumulative bauxite in Guangxi , the tailings of bauxite ore washing ( hereinafter as tailings ) is one of the main wastes .

  20. 岩溶堆积型铝土矿是国内新类型的铝土矿床,矿床的工业指标是在地质勘探时期制定的,未经生产进行验证。

    Karst stack type bauxite deposit is a new type bauxite deposit in China , and its industrial index is formulated during geologic exploration without being checked by production run .

  21. 公司生产能力的不断扩大和堆积型铝土矿保有资源量的迅速减少,使得寻找新的铝土资源成为非常紧迫的任务。

    The continuous expanding of producing ability of the company and the quick decreasing of remained cumulate-type bauxite resources make the task of searching for new bauxite resources to be extremely urgent .

  22. 明矾石矿床稳定同位素特征在矿床类型划分中的意义岩溶堆积型铝土矿是我国新的矿床类型,为华南特有。

    THE SIGNIFICANCE OF STABLE ISOTOPIC CHARACTERISTICS IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF ALUNITE ORE DEPOSITS Karst accumulation bauxite is a new type of bauxite deposit in China and a special industrial type bauxite in south China .

  23. 平果铝土矿田是中国铝业广西分公司的铝土资源产地,一直以来矿山的开采对象都是堆积型铝土矿。

    The Pingguo bauxite ore field is the producing area of bauxite resources for the Guangxi Branch Company of the Aluminum Corporation of China . For a long time , the cumulate-type bauxite has been the mining object .

  24. 岩溶堆积型铝土矿是我国新的矿床类型,为华南特有。五论贵州之铝土矿黔中&川南成矿带铝土矿含矿岩系

    Karst accumulation bauxite is a new type of bauxite deposit in China and a special industrial type bauxite in south China . On the Ban-cite in Guizhou Province-V : The Bauxite-bearing Rock Series in Central Guizhou-Southern Sichuan Ore-forming Zone

  25. 本文阐述了平果岩溶堆积型铝土矿矿床的含矿岩系、矿体特征、矿石特征及其开采技术条件,并对其矿床成因进行了探讨。

    The present paper sums up and analyses the ore bearing karst system , orebody features , bauxite feature and its mining technical condition of the karst accumulation bauxite deposit in Pingguo , and furthermore makes a discussion and analysis on the came of formation of the bauxite deposit .

  26. 岩溶堆积型铝土矿的厂址选择问题实际上就是一个矿山物流优化问题,是一个厂址选择、运输、生产和氧化铝厂工艺需求的综合匹配问题。

    The model could select the main technical equipments for the mining area . ( 4 ) The site selection problem of karst accumulated bauxite is actually a mining logistics optimization problem . It is comprehensive optimization problem on site selection , transportation , production and alumina plant process need .

  27. (晶体)堆积中空位岩溶堆积型铝土矿是我国新的矿床类型,为华南特有。

    Karst accumulation bauxite is a new type of bauxite deposit in China and a special industrial type bauxite in south China .