- city walls;inner and outer city walls
[city walls] 城是内城的墙,郭是外城的墙。泛指城邑
直栏横槛,多于九土之城郭。--唐. 杜牧《阿房宫赋》
There are many differences between the city-states of Greece and city walls in Central Asia , such as , the geography environment , social system , survival idea and the trend of development etc.
Farming-pastoral zone in Inner Mongolia since cities and towns since the emergence of the spring and autumn period until the end of Ming Dynasty , after waste legislation , from the small city walls has grown in strength and the local economic and social development plays an irreplaceable role .
A Comparative Research between Greek City-states and the City Walls in Central Asia
How shall I go in peace and without sorrow ? Nay , not without a wound in the spirit shall I leave this city .