
duǒ kǒu
  • crenel;battlement
垛口 [duǒ kǒu]
  • [battlement;crenel] 女墙的凹形口;城朵上的远望孔

垛口[duǒ kǒu]
  1. 垛口式电阻应变测力传感器

    The load cell of crenel type with resistive strain

  2. 西安城墙上吊桥、闸楼、箭楼、垛口,一应俱全。

    Xi'an 's city wall , with its drawbridges sluice gate towers , ramparts and crenels , is adequately equipped .

  3. 这座城堡迷人有趣,但是从城垛口望出去,天边看不见一丁点儿非洲为之闻名的那种景色。

    The castle is a charming curiosity , but from its battlements the horizons hold none of the views for which Africa is famous .
