
  • 网络seismic reflection
  1. 用广义Radon变换对地震反射波资料进行层析成像

    Computerized Tomography for Seismic Reflection Data with Generalized Radon Transformation

  2. 亲本本身性状表现与一般配合力效应的相关系数因性状而异。不同岩性界面的反射系数(Rc)是产生地震反射的主要原因。

    Reflective coefficient ( Rc ) of different lithological boundaries is main factor producing seismic reflection .

  3. 地震反射波P(11)、S(11)的特征及其应用

    Features and applications of reflected seismic p_ ( 11 ) and s_ ( 11 ) waves

  4. 据此,就三维地震反射面接收,本文对三维倾斜界面以及各向异性对P波时距特征的影响做计算讨论。

    This thesis attempts to evaluate the effects of a 3D dipping interface within anisotropic media for the time-distance features of reflected P-wave .

  5. Radon变换在提取地震反射信号和压制干扰中的应用

    The application of Radon transform to both reflection signal extraction and noise suppression

  6. AVO效应反映了地震反射振幅随炮检距变化的特征。

    AVO effect indicates how seismic reflection amplitude varys with offset .

  7. 地震反射波法(TSP)在隧道地质超前预报中的应用研究

    The Application and Research of Seismic Reflection Wave Methoed ( TSP ) in the Tunnel Geological Prediction

  8. 使用的物探方法有重力、地面和航空磁法、地面和航空电磁、IP/电阻率法、钻孔物探测井及地震反射。

    Methods used have been gravity , ground and airborne magnetics , ground and airborne electromagnetics , IP / resistivity , downhole geophysical logging , and reflection seismic .

  9. 分析认为,当Q小于100时,地层对地震反射能量吸收严重,需要在处理中加强能量补偿。

    Analysis shows that when Q is smaller than 100 , the formation absorption of seismic reflected energy so severe that energy compensation should be reinforced in processing .

  10. 文章首句指出:“由于‘地震反射法’(sr)在勾划地球的地下层面这方面的准确性,该方法一直是探寻石油储备的最重要的工具。”这是一个判断句,为结论。

    Because of its accuracy in outlining the Earth 's subsurface , the seismic-reflection method remains the most important tool in the search for petroleum reserves .

  11. 基于AVO原理,研究含气砂岩的地震反射振幅随炮检距的变化关系及AVO异常属性特征。

    Base on AVO principle , the seismic reflection amplitude varying with offset and AVO abnormal attribute of gas-bearing sandstone are analyzed .

  12. 本文采用了面可视化的基本算法思想,在三维数据场中将地震反射面抽取出来,然后运用OpenGL进行三维图形的绘制。

    The idea of this article is based on surface visualization , the reflection surfaces are drawed out from 3D seismic data sets , and portrayed with OpenGL .

  13. 零炮检距剖面是地震反射成像过程中重要的中间成果,常规处理中的共中心点(CMP)叠加的目的正在于此。

    Zero offset ( ZO ) section , which is just the goal of CMP stacking in conventional processing , is an important intermediate result in seismic reflection imaging .

  14. 本文将地震反射资料成像的Kirchhoff偏移方法引入到接收函数成像研究,提出了一种接收函数的Kirchhoff偏移方法,以适应介质速度的横向变化,提高接收函数成像的精度和分辨率。

    We extend seismic reflection Kirchhoff migration to receiver function study , to adapt to lateral velocity variation and improve the precision and resolution of receiver function migration .

  15. 埋藏在6000m以下的地震反射异常体是礁体还是火成岩体?

    What are the anomalous seismic reflection bodies at depths of over 6000 m ? Are they reefs or igneous rock ?

  16. 在河北省迁安大石河铁矿进行轻便高频可控源(PHV)地震反射勘探的试验研究是成功的。

    An experiment of portable high-frequency vibrator ( PHV ) seismic reflection at dashihe iron mine of hebei province was conducted .

  17. 通过对泉州盆地进行深地震反射探测,获得了该地区近地表至Moho面的精细几何结构及其深浅构造关系图像。

    The very fine geometry structure of this area from near ground to Moho interface and the relationship between the deep and shallow faults are obtained based on deep seismic reflection profiling .

  18. 钻孔验证了VSP地震反射剖面中850-12000m深度的强反射层与韧性剪切带相吻合。

    The VSP seismic profile reveals the deeply structure of the tectonic slices . The main hole verified that the strong reflective layer between 850 to 1130 m deep is equivalent to the ductile shear zone .

  19. 井间地震反射成像主要采用XSP-CDP方法。

    The important method to do the cross well seismic reflection image is XSP-CDP algorithm .

  20. 探测实例表明,在覆盖层厚度不超过20m的条件下,浅层地震反射法、折射法联合探测可获得良好的地质效果。

    The case studied showed that good geological results can be achieved by using joint exploration method of shallow seismic reflection and refraction waves in the condition of overburden thickness variation between 0 and 20m .

  21. 根据应力测量和地质资料,建立了柴北缘地区中西段T2和T4的地震反射层地质构造模型,并对这两个模型分别进行了光弹模拟和弹塑性数值模拟。

    Based on the stress measurement data and geological materials , the geological structure models are set up for T2 and T4 seismic reflection layers of the mid-west region of Qaidam Basin . Photoelastic simulation and plastic-elastic numerical simulation were carried out in terms of those two models .

  22. 炮检距均衡是通过确定实际背景地震反射的AVO响应与相应理论模型的AVO响应之间的关系,求取校正系数,然后对地震资料进行校正,校正后可以突出真正的AVO响应。

    Offset balancing is to quantify the relationship between the AVO response of background seismic reflections and the AVO response of corresponding theoretical models , and to quantify the calibrating coefficients , then to calibrate the seismic data . The true AVO response can be highlighted in the calibrated data .

  23. 针对秦岭山区浅层地震反射资料的特点,讨论在VAX-11/750机上进行相应数字处理的方法,并通过WF-2测线实例,说明处理效果。

    - In accordance with the characteristics of shallow seismic reflection data from Qingling mountion area , the thesis discussed the corresponding digi - tal processing method on VAX-11 / 750 seismic data processing system and illustrated the pro - cessed result by means of WF-2 survey profile .

  24. 层状吸收介质地震反射参数的计算

    Calculation of seismic reflection parameters based on the layer absorption media

  25. 地层厚度对地震反射波振幅的影响及其消除

    Effect of formation thickness on seismic reflection amplitude and its removal

  26. 隧道地震反射法超前预报

    Prediction ahead of the tunnel face by the seismic reflection methods

  27. 湖盆三角洲砂体的地震反射特征及其沉积模式

    The seismic reflection characteristic of lake delta and its sedimentation model

  28. 地震反射波成像的三基色方法

    Method of 3-BASIC COLORS for imaging by using reflected seismic wave

  29. 延庆怀来地区高分辨率浅地震反射剖面

    Shallow seismic reflection profiling with high resolution in Yanqing Huailai region

  30. 适用于造山带深地震反射资料的动校正方法

    A NMO Method Adapted to Deep Seismic Reflection in Orogenic Belt