
  • 网络Geographical Specialization
  1. 库存有四个基本的功能,即地域专业化、分离功能、平衡供求、不确定因素的缓冲。

    This section generalized the functions of inventory , namely , the function of geographical specialization , the function of decoupling , the function of balancing the supply and demand , the function of the buffer stock .

  2. 集群对于中国来说自然没什么新鲜的——这里一直存在地域专业化。

    Clustering is certainly nothing new to China - regional specialisations have always existed .

  3. 在总的趋势上,知识密集也必然意味着农业地域专业化程度的提高和农场规模的增大。

    From the general trend , knowledge concentration inevitably means the improvement of regional agricultural technical specialization degree and the enlargement of farm scale .

  4. 将两种竞争战略结合在一起,可以最大化地获得分工经济和规模经济,促进地域专业化分工体系的形成,并强化地区或产业链持续的竞争优势。

    The combination of the two competitive strategies will provide maximum division-economy and scale-economy , promote the formation of local specialization system , and strengthen the constant competitive advantages of the region or industrial chain .

  5. 其理论基础是比较优势原理和劳动地域分工与专业化理论;

    Its theoretic basis are the theory of comparative advantage and the theory of division of labor and specialization ;

  6. 在此过程中,同一产业或相关产业部门中的大量专业化企业通过彼此间稠密的生产合作或市场交易网络,在地域空间上形成专业化的产业集聚体。

    Along with this , many specializing firms of the same or relative industries become specializing agglomerations within some zones by frequent production cooperation or market networks .