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  1. 那位勇敢的女士叫吴菊萍,32岁,是阿里巴巴的员工。

    The brave lady is Wu Juping , 32-year-old , employee of Alibaba .

  2. 吴菊萍徒手去接妞妞缓解了她自由落体时的冲击力。

    Wu Juping 's bare handed catch absorbed the impact of Niu 's freefall .

  3. “我做了一个母亲应该做的”,吴菊萍接受采访时这么说道。

    " I did it out of a mother 's instinct ," Wu told to the journalist .

  4. 医生表示,吴菊萍手臂骨折,需要进行手术。

    According to the doctor , Wu Juping has a fractured arm , and an operation is needed .

  5. 照片中,吴菊萍在医院中对着她2岁的儿子微笑。

    Photo : Wu Juping smiles at her own son in a hospital , after she saved a2-year-old girl .

  6. 该社区的居民在网上开通了论坛,表达对妞妞和勇敢的吴菊萍的祝福。

    The residents from the community opened an online forum to send their blessings for Niu and the courageous Wu Juping .