
  • 网络luzon strait
  1. 吕宋海峡120°E断面水交换特征

    Characteristics of Water Exchange Across 120 ° E Section in the Luzon Strait

  2. 2008年8&9月份吕宋海峡西南侧锚定ADCP的斜压海流观测

    Baroclinic currents observed by mooring ADCP in southwest Luzon Strait during August-September 2008

  3. 吕宋海峡年际体积(热量)输送的小波谱图较明显地反映出ENSO现象对吕宋海峡不同层次的输送均产生一定影响。

    As showed in the wavelet power spectrum figures , ENSO influences the Luzon Strait transports at different layers .

  4. 在吕宋海峡,相速度达3m/s,内波振幅超过100m。

    Near the Luzon Strait , the phase speed can reach 3 m / s , the amplitude can exceed 100 m ;

  5. 秋季和冬季吕宋海峡100m以浅流量明显大于春季和夏季,但在次表层和中层,四个季节海峡处流量差距不大。

    In autumn and winter , flow through the Luzon strait above 100 m is much larger than it in spring and summer in surface layers .

  6. 此种布局将避开台湾和菲律宾之间的吕宋海峡(LuzonStrait)地震带,在该地区近期的地震中,此处的光缆遭到了损坏。

    This configuration will avoid the Luzon Strait seismic zone between Taiwan and the Philippines , where the cables damaged by the recent earthquake were located .

  7. 这些都表明黑潮在吕宋海峡锚碇测流站200和500m处向西北方向入侵南海。

    These mean that the Kuroshio intrudes in the South China Sea ( SCS ) to flow northwestward through the Luzon Strait at the 200 and 500 m levels .

  8. 吕宋海峡断面在500m深度以浅,全年海峡中部和南部基本为西向流,即海水从吕宋海峡流入南海。

    In the Luzon strait section , zonal velocity is mainly westward above 500 m in the middle and southern part of the strait , which means that the water flows into SCS through the strait .

  9. l月(7月),深水海区与吕宋海峡的海平面高度为负(正)异常,在大部分陆架区和南海的西和南部,海平面高度为正(负)异常。

    In January ( July ) there is the SSH negative ( positive ) anomaly in the deep water basin and at the Luzon Strait , while there is positive ( negative ) anomaly on the most of continental shelves in the west and south of South China Sea ;

  10. 黑潮在吕宋海峡的形变及动力机制

    The deformation of Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait and its dynamics

  11. 吕宋海峡及南海北部海域的水团分析

    Water mass analysis in Luzon Strait and northern South China Sea

  12. 1985年9月的吕宋海峡黑潮及其输送

    The Kuroshio in Luzon Strait and its transport during September 1985

  13. 吕宋海峡纬向海流及质量输送

    Velocity and transport of the zonal current in the Luzon Strait

  14. 吕宋海峡输送年际变异数值研究

    A numerical study on interannual variations of Luzon Strait transports

  15. 海水强烈混合发生在吕宋海峡附近;

    The intense mixing of the sea water occurred near the Luzon Strait .

  16. 2002年春季吕宋海峡海流观测及其谱分析

    Current measurements and spectral analyses in the Luzon Strait during spring of 2002

  17. 吕宋海峡海洋环流的基本特征

    Principal Features of Ocean Circulation in The Luzon Strait

  18. 吕宋海峡黑潮形变的时空分布特征和形成机制

    The Study of Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Kuroshio deformation at Luzon Strait

  19. 研究结果表明,黑潮在吕宋海峡的形变以“流套”的形式常年存在。

    The results show that Kuroshio deformation takes the perpetual shape of'loop'in Luzon Strait .

  20. 在吕宋海峡1837m层以下,仍有一定数量的西北太平洋海水(体积和盐)西向输送到南海;

    There still exists westward Luzon Strait transports below the depth of 1 837m .

  21. 当黑潮源头向北的流量较大时,通过吕宋海峡向西的净流量偏小。

    When the north transport of Kuroshio is large , the west transport through Luzon Strait is small .

  22. 作为西边界的豁口的吕宋海峡是扰动能量增长的区域,尤其是锋面不稳定活跃的区间。

    Luzon Strait is the region where the perturbation energy increases and the frontal instability is especially active .

  23. 一个广阔低压区正在趋向吕宋海峡,并于下周初靠近华南及为该区带来不稳定的天气。

    A broad area of low pressure is expected to move towards to Luzon Straitand affact southern China next week .

  24. 吕宋海峡M2内潮响应强烈是由于其地形和M2潮波的特征所决定的;

    The intense of internal tide in the Luzon Strait is due to topographic features and the characteristic of M2 tide .

  25. 观测和数值模式研究都发现吕宋海峡局地季风风场在吕宋海峡黑潮流套的形成中不起决定作用。

    Both observations and model research attest local monsoon in Luzon Strait is not the critical dynamics factor to Kuroshio loop .

  26. 冬季期间,黑潮海流把高咸度的温暖海水由太平洋经吕宋海峡带入本港。

    During the winter , the Kuroshio oceanic current brings warm water of high salinity from the Pacific through the Luzon Strait .

  27. 夏季南海表层水由南海流出经吕宋海峡汇入黑潮主干。

    In summer , the sea surface water in the South China Sea flowed eastward through the Luzon Strait and joined the Kuroshio .

  28. 研究结果表明,南海北部海洋内波出现的区域主要有3块:吕宋海峡,东沙岛和海南东北部。

    The statistical analysis showed that three areas including Luzon Strait , Dongsha Island and the Northeastern Hainan Island were found to have regular internal wave activity .

  29. 该观测为了解吕宋海峡深层海洋的潮流、近惯性运动以及海峡水交换提供了第一手的资料。

    These observations provide first-hand data for studying tidal currents , near-inertial oscillations and water exchange between the South China Sea and the Pacific nearby the Luzon Strait .

  30. 在夏季,南海水经过吕宋海峡的上层和中层进入太平洋,而太平洋水经过海峡深层进入南海,使得通量在垂向上呈现一个两层结构。

    In summer , water flows into the Pacific in the upper and intermediate layers , and comes into the SCS in deep layer , presenting a two-layer structure .