
  • 网络Ecuadorian
  1. 除了2-0击败诺维奇之外厄瓜多尔人本赛季已经好几次打后卫了,因为球队也是面临着伤病的问题。

    The Ecuadorian has been employed in defence several times already this season to cover for injuries , most recently in last weekend's2-0 home win over Norwich .

  2. 向警方提供关于农场尸体消息的年轻男子是厄瓜多尔人,他侥幸逃过一劫。

    The young man , who tipped off the authorities about the bodies at the ranch , is an Ecuadorian and managed to escape being killed .

  3. 48岁的厄瓜多尔人IvonneBaki是来自拉丁美洲的黑马候选人。

    Ivonne Baki , 48 , of Ecuador , is the dark horse candidate from Latin America .

  4. 和我一起的那些男人轻声交谈着:3个北美人,4个为我们在丛林中带路的厄瓜多尔人。

    The men with me talked softly : three North Americans , four Ecuadorians who were showing us the jungle .

  5. 曼联边锋上赛季末复出的时候让人眼前一亮,但经理觉得他还得好好观察下厄瓜多尔人。

    The United winger impressed on his return from injury towards the end of last season but the manager feels he needs to handle the Ecuadorian with care .

  6. JamesGodsil:“今年三月我受邀到了委内瑞拉,我和在厄瓜多尔有项目的人合作,还与刚果、乌干达和坦桑尼亚的人们一起合作。”

    JAMES GODSIL : " I was asked to go to Venezuela this March . And I 'm working with people who have a project in Ecuador . I 'm working with people in the Congo and Uganda and Tanzania . "

  7. 在厄瓜多尔国外也有人在关注着科雷亚先生的命运。

    His fate will be watched beyond the borders of Ecuador .

  8. 厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔•科雷亚(RafaelCorrea)宣布该国进入紧急状态,他中断了对罗马的访问,敦促厄瓜多尔人在当局处理这场灾难的时候保持坚强。

    Rafael Correa , Ecuador 's president , declared a national emergency and cut short a visit to Rome , as he urged Ecuadoreans to stay strong while authorities handle the disaster .