
  • 网络RBC;ROYAL BANK OF CANADA;RBC Capital Markets;Royal Bank;RBC Capital
  1. 最近,加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBCCapitalMarkets)分析师马克•马哈尼(MarkMahaney)揭露了向员工支付股票规模最大的一些高市值高科技集团。

    Mark Mahaney , an analyst at RBC Capital Markets , recently outed some of the large-cap tech groups that are the biggest payers of stock to their employees .

  2. 加拿大皇家银行新兴市场财富管理主管百仁詹森(BarendJanssens)说:他们吸引离岸财富的能力显然在上升。

    Their ability to attract offshore wealth is clearly increasing , said Barend Janssens , head of wealth management , emerging markets at RBC .

  3. 加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada)在这些排名中居于靠前的25%。

    Royal Bank of Canada ( RBC ) scored in the top quartile on these rankings .

  4. 分析认为,全球最严重的是加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada)。

    The worst offender worldwide , according to the analysis , was the Royal Bank of Canada .

  5. 实际上,加拿大皇家银行资本市场(rbccapitalmarkets)指出,债权人几乎得不到任何法律支持,以最大限度地收回投资。

    In fact , creditors have almost no legal legs to stand on to maximise recovery values , RBC Capital Markets notes .

  6. 加拿大皇家银行(RBC),艾米特•德莱纳里:中国移动牵手苹果。

    Amit daryanani , RBC : China Mobile to join Apple carrier list .

  7. G20成员国的货币中,最有可能受冲击的是加元。参见下面的加拿大皇家银行图表。

    The G20 currency most likely to suffer is the Canadian dollar . See the RBC graphic below .

  8. 加拿大皇家银行沟通交流专家杨保罗(PaulYeung)十分赞同凯莉的这番话。

    Her words are echoed by Paul Yeung , a communications specialist at Royal Bank of Canada .

  9. 加拿大皇家银行RY名列第十。

    Royal Bank of Canada ( RY ) ranked number ten .

  10. 但具有讽刺意味的是,2012年4月3日,美国商品期货交易委员会(CommodityFuturesTradingCommission)指责加拿大皇家银行通过虚构交易,骗取税务优惠。

    Ironically , on April 3 , 2012 , the commodity futures trading commission accused the RBC ( ry ) of fabricating bogus trades to generate ample tax benefits .

  11. 整体品牌价值降幅最大的4家机构美国运通(americanexpress)、加拿大皇家银行(rbc)、花旗和美国银行品牌价值占市值的比例都出现上升。

    Four big fallers in terms of overall brand value American Express , RBC , Citi and Bank of America all saw their brand value rise as a percentage of market capitalisation .

  12. “美国放松银根对新兴市场构成了压力,”加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBCCapitalMarkets)新兴市场高级策略师奈吉尔•兰德尔(NigelRendell)表示。

    " The US fiscal loosening puts pressure on the emerging markets ," says Nigel Rendell , senior emerging markets strategist at RBC Capital Markets .

  13. 加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada)经济学家杰克逊(BrianJackson)表示,中国政府仍然面临着管理流动性状况,避免泡沫或泡沫破灭的艰巨任务。

    Beijing still faces the difficult task of managing liquidity conditions to avoid a bubble -- or a bust , ' said Brian Jackson , an economist for Royal Bank of Canada .

  14. 加拿大皇家银行(RBC)经济学家延斯拉森(JensLarsen)认为,也有一些积极的信号。

    Jens Larsen , an economist at the Royal Bank of Canada , said there were some positive signals .

  15. 加拿大皇家银行全球矿业研究主管斯蒂芬沃克(stephenwalker)将在此次研讨会上表示,今年夏天出现的金价调整已经结束。

    Stephen walker , director of global mining research at RBC , will tell the conference that the summer correction in gold prices has run its course .

  16. 结果是:iGATEPatni公司的销售额达9亿美元,并实现了盈利,公司客户包括加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada)和通用金融公司(GEFinance)。

    The result : igate patni brings in $ 900 million in sales , he says , profitably serving clients like Royal Bank of Canada and Ge finance .

  17. SharesPost从事非上市企业股票业务,它成立了一个研究部门,由一名前加拿大皇家银行(RBC)分析师领导。

    SharesPost , which transacts shares in private groups , has launched a research division led by a former RBC analyst .

  18. 加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBCCapitalMarkets)分析师达斯克拉利尔(DesKilalea)表示,据以往的销售记录,这颗钻石至少值3500万美元,有可能高达5000万美元。

    Des Kilalea , an analyst at RBC Capital Markets , said the stone would be worth at least $ 35m , based on previous sales , and possibly up to $ 50m .

  19. 政策制定者不敢轻易宣布已成功地抑制住通胀,尤其在近期全球油价回升的情况下,加拿大皇家银行(RBC)驻香港经济学家布莱恩杰克逊(BrianJackson)表示。

    Policymakers will be cautious about declaring victory over inflation , particularly given the recent pick-up in global oil prices , said Brian Jackson , an economist at the Royal Bank of Canada in Hong Kong .

  20. 据加拿大皇家银行(rbc)计算,人民币的名义贸易加权有效汇率在过去五个月实际上一直在稳步下降,因为人民币只是相对于走低的美元轻微升值。

    The Royal Bank of Canada calculates that the nominal , trade-weighted effective exchange rate has actually dropped pretty steadily during the past five months , as the renminbi has strengthened only slightly against a fallen dollar .

  21. “物价压力持续缓解是令人高兴的进展,同时也为万一经济增长在未来几个月开始加剧下滑,增大了应对政策的空间,”加拿大皇家银行(rbc)驻香港经济学家布莱恩杰克逊(brianjackson)表示。

    " This continued moderation in prices pressures is a welcome development and will increase the scope for policy to respond should growth start to weaken more sharply in coming months , " said Brian Jackson , an economist with Royal Bank of Canada in Hong Kong .

  22. 凯捷集团(Capgemini)和加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada)最近的年度调查显示,过去5年,亚洲富豪资产的增速是其他地区的3倍,富豪人数增速是其他地区的两倍。

    Over the past five years , the assets of rich individuals have grown at triple the rate of the wealthy elsewhere , while the number of rich people has increased by twice that of other regions , according to the recent annual survey by Capgemini and Royal Bank of Canada .

  23. 这些客户包括加拿大皇家银行、德尔塔航空公司、SBC通信、台湾大哥大、普诚、三星生命保险、爱迪生团能源、哈拉娱乐公司、联邦快递、上海证券交易所、Travelocity公司、电子贸易和MatchLogic等很多企业。

    These customers include Royal Bank of Canada , Delta Air Lines , Qantas , SBC , Taiwan Cellular , UnumProvident , Samsung Life Insurance , Edison Mission Energy , Harrah 's Entertainment , Federal Express , Shanghai Stock Exchange , Travelocity , E-TRADE , and MatchLogic .

  24. 加拿大皇家银行否认所有指控。

    RBC has denied the charges and all wrongdoing .

  25. 作为对比,作者介绍了加拿大皇家银行和花旗银行在新产品开发流程及与流程相关的市场营销活动方面成熟的经验。

    As comparison , The author introduces the advanced experience of RBC and Citibank in the process .

  26. 关于我们的资信情况,请写信向我们的往来银行加拿大皇家银行询问。

    With regard to references , you may write to our bank , the Royal Bank of Canada .

  27. 最近他是新加坡南洋理工大学的高性能云计算以及加拿大皇家银行的测试和开发云方面的架构师。

    Recently he was the architect for the High Performance Computing Cloud for the Nanyang Technological University , Singapore and the Test and Development Cloud for the Royal Bank of Canada .

  28. 对奢侈品市场的需求回暖在腕表领域显露无遗。据加拿大皇家资本银行(RBCCapitalMarkets)最近的一项调查显示,受访者中大约70%的人表达了明年将购买智能手表的意愿。

    That demand is also apparent for smartwatches - about 70 percent of respondents in a recent survey by RBC Capital Markets said they were planning to buy a smartwatch in the next year .

  29. 全球仅有7家机构仍然保有穆迪(Moody's)AAA信用级别,其中就有两家加拿大银行加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada)和多伦多道明银行(Toronto-Dominion)。

    Two Canadian banks Royal Bank of Canada and Toronto-Dominion are among only seven institutions worldwide that still retain a Moody 's triple-A credit rating .

  30. 在这个排行榜上,下一个出现的加拿大银行是加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada),位列第59,它为两笔总计不超过10亿美元的交易提供了咨询服务。

    You have to scroll right down the rankings to No.59 to find the next Canadian bank , Royal Bank of Canada , which advised on two deals worth less than $ 1 billion in aggregate .