
  1. 电视剧《刘老根》已经播放了两周了。

    The TV show Liu Laogen has run for two weeks .

  2. 我真的很欣赏赵本山最新的滑稽戏刘老根。

    I really love enjoy Zhao Benshan 's newly farce " Liu Laogen " .

  3. 随着《马大帅》、《刘老根》、《乡村爱情》等作品的热播,使电视剧东北风越刮越强劲,席卷了大江南北。

    With the broadcasting of " Mada Shuai "," Liu Laogen "," Country Love " and other works , the TV series " northeast " increased than strong , swept through the major north-south .

  4. 中国著名喜剧演员赵本山在11月17日长春剧院的“刘老根大舞台”的开幕式上首次表明他将参加2013年的春晚。

    Chinese well-known comedian Zhao Benshan , for the first time claimed that he would attend the 2013 Spring Festival Gala on the opening ceremony of " Liulaogen Grand Stage " Changchun theatre on Nov. 17 .

  5. 从电视剧《刘老根》第一部在央视的首播到《乡村爱情》第三部的全国热播,短短十年间,东北电视以一种独特的艺术魅力深深的感染着每位电视观众。

    From the TV series " Liu Laogen " first broadcast in the CCTV to the " village of love ⅲ" hot broadcasting , just a decade , the Northeast television in a unique artistic charm of deep infection with each audience .