
  • 网络Feng Shaofeng;William Feng
  1. 影片根据中国作家姜戎的同名小说改编,可谓一部3D史诗巨制。故事讲述了20世纪60年代,北京知青陈阵(冯绍峰饰)和杨克(窦骁饰)在内蒙古草原插队时与牧民群落相依相存的故事。

    Based on Jiang Rong 's novel of the same name , the 3-D adventure epic is about Chen Zhen ( Feng Shaofeng ) and Yang Ke ( Shawn Dou ) being sent from Beijing to Inner Mongolia in the 1960s to live with a nomadic tribe .

  2. 在拍摄电影期间,冯绍峰曾经从马背上摔下来而受了伤。

    During filming , Feng was injured after falling from his horse .

  3. 郭富城、罗仲谦、冯绍峰和小沈阳将会领衔主演该电影。

    Aaron Kwok , Chung Him Law , Feng Shaofeng and Xiao Shenyang are starring in the film .

  4. 一些选角算是差强人意,如由冯绍峰饰演卡索,马天宇饰演樱空释等。

    Some choices are * passable , including Feng Shaofeng as Ka Suo and Ma Tianyu as Ying Kongshi .

  5. 拍摄过程中,男主演冯绍峰、亲自与狼玩耍、喂狼、打扫狼窝。

    During the shooting of the movie , leading actor Feng would play with the wolves , feed them and clean their dens .

  6. 《西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精》尽管以一线明星郭富城为卖点,还有“大众情人冯绍峰”以及国际巨星巩俐的倾情加盟,但首映日仅获得1.7亿的票房,位居第三。

    The Monkey King 2 landed only at No. 3 , with 170 million yuan on opening , even though it features top actor Kwok in the title role , Chinese heart-throb William Feng Shaofeng and international star Gong Li .