
  1. 系冬青科冬青属植物苦丁茶的干燥叶,在我国南部民间作药用,具有减肥、降血压等功效。

    Tsing , one of the species in the Ilex genus , has been used in China as diuretic and remedy for sore throat , weight loss and hypertension .

  2. 冬青科植物种子具有隔年发芽的特性,属于综合性休眠类型,在自然条件下,需要隔年甚至3a才能发芽。

    Holly seeds belonging to a type of comprehensive deep dormancy .

  3. 其寄主植物涉及7科,即蕨类植物中的里白科、裸子植物中的杉科和松科以及属于被子植物的茶科、冬青科、槭树科和杜鹃科。

    The host species included 7 families , which were Theaceae , Aceraceae , Ericaceae , Aquifoliaceae , Pinaceae , Taxodiaceae , Gleicheniaceae .

  4. 冬青科冬青属树木在贵州省分布46种,其中具有优良观赏用途的常绿或落叶的乔木,小乔木或灌木有15种之多。

    There are 46 species of Ilex belonging to Aquifoliaceae in Guizhou province . 15 species of them are provided with excellent ornamental use . They are evergreen or deciduous arbor and shrub .

  5. 该群落共有136种,分属于46科73属,优势科是壳斗科、樟科、山茶科、茜草科、冬青科、山矾科和紫金牛科,优势种也多为这些科的种类组成。

    The community is composed of 136 species belonging to 46 families and 73 genera . The dominant families are Fagaceae , Lauraceae , theaceae , Rubiaceae , Aquifoliaceae , etc , the dominant species are also from the dominant families .