
  1. 至于外来借词,则不具备这些特点。蒙古语内蒙古方言亲属称谓词中汉语借词特点

    The word loaning processes do not possess these properties . The Characteristics of Loanwords from Chinese Kinsfolk Appellation in Mongolian Dialects

  2. 通过对蒙古语内蒙古方言亲属称谓词词义结构特点的分析,从一个侧面揭示出蒙古民族婚姻家庭关系和婚姻制度上的一些特点。

    By analyzing the characteristics of the structure of word meaning , the author throws light on the characteristics of the relationship of marriage and family of Mongolians and the system of marriage .

  3. 分析汉语发音和内蒙古方言与英语发音的差别,可以有地放矢地指导学生掌握正确的英语发音和口语表达,收到事倍功半的教学效果。

    Comparing and analyzing the difference between Chinese language pronunciation and Inner Mongolia dialect and English pronunciation , we can supervise the students in both accurate English pronunciation and spoken language so as to achieve effective teaching .

  4. 本文在蒙古语内蒙古方言亲属称谓词问卷调查的基础上从语言学和文化学的角度对蒙古语内蒙古方言亲属称谓词作了词源结构和文化特征方面的研究。

    Based on the survey by questionnaire of the Mongolian terms of address of relatives in the dialects of Inner Mongolia , the author makes research in the structure of word source and cultural characteristics of the Mongolia from the angle of linguistics and the science of culture .

  5. 内蒙古汉语方言音译地名所蕴含的地域文化特色

    The Characteristics of Local Culture Implied in the Transliteration of Place-names of Chinese Dialects in Inner Mongolia

  6. 汉语发音的普通规律和内蒙古各地方言对内蒙古地区的汉语学生学习英语发音产生负迁移。

    Chinese language pronunciation regulation and various Inner Mongolia dialect bring negative transformation to the Han students ' English pronunciation .

  7. 内蒙古汉语方言中,有许多蒙古语和其他少数民族语言的音译地名。

    Of Chinese dialects in Inner Mongolia , there are large quantities of transliterations of place - names from Mongolian language and the languages of other ethnic minorities .

  8. 内蒙古西部汉语方言形容词生动形式蒙古语是内蒙古地区的官方语言之一。

    Vivid adjective forms in Chinese dialect in western part of inner mongolia ;

  9. 内蒙古西部汉语方言中存在大量内容丰富、类型多样的词缀,尤其是后缀,不仅种类多而且极具地方色彩。

    Western Inner Mongolia dialect has Massive rich content , type diverse affix . Especially suffix , not only the type are many but also has the local color extremely .

  10. 最终形成了以山西、陕西方言为基础的,在形、音、义等方面都有自己特色的内蒙古西部汉语方言。

    Eventually has formed Western Inner Mongolia dialect finally , which takes Shanxi , the Shanxi dialect as the foundation , and has their own characteristics in the form , pronunciation , meaning and so on .