
  • 网络Leofoo Village Theme Park
  1. 根据研究结果本研究对六福村主题乐园提出建议。

    Through the conclusions and suggestion , the results could serve as a reference for Leofoo Village Theme Park .

  2. 我们可以带宝宝去六福村玩云霄飞车。

    We 'll take him or her to Leofoo Village to ride the roller coasters .

  3. 此外,六福村野生动物园的兽医服务也不尽人意,无法满足动物紧急救治的需求。

    In addition , the veterinary service at the Leofoo park is not good enough to handle emergency medical treatment demand .

  4. “农委会”的官员在一份声明中称,由于六福村野生动物园未能完成迎接熊猫到来所必需的教育和研究的各个项目,因此接纳大熊猫的资格最终花落木栅动物园。

    COA officials said in a statement that the Muzha zoo won the bid because the Leofoo park had failed to develop the necessary educational and research programs to go along with the pandas ' arrival .

  5. 同时,台北市政府称,他们已投入约2.5元新台币用于兴建熊猫馆。而六福村用于该项目的款项仅为台北市的三分之一。

    Meanwhile , Taipei 's city government says it has invested about NT $ 250 million to build a panda house , while Leofoo says it spent about a third of that sum on the project .

  6. “农业委员会”下属的“林业局”所组织的一个审查委员会最终确定,台北木栅动物园击败了新竹县北部的六福村野生动物园,获得了安置这一对大熊猫的资格。

    A screening committee organized by the Forestry Bureau under the Council of Agriculture ( COA ) chose the Muzha zoo in Taipei to eventually house the pandas , over the private Leofoo Safari Park in northern Hsinchu county .