
  • 网络Public relations strategy
  1. 对总公司的人才战略、多元化发展战略、公共关系战略进行了分析,并提出了对策。

    Strategic to the talent of the head corporation , the pluralism development strategy , public relations strategy have been analyzed , and has put forward countermeasures .

  2. 公共关系战略能够增进国际危机管理合作的意愿,并且处理国际危机的手段具有合理性,是有效性与正当性的统一。

    Public relations strategy can promote the willingness to cooperate in the international crisis management , and its approaches of dealing with the international crisis are the unity of the effectiveness and legitimacy .

  3. 浅谈MPA的公共关系战略

    Analysis on the Strategic of Public Relations of MPA

  4. 运用公共关系战略。

    Utilize the strategy of public relation strategy .

  5. 这次白宫的公共关系战略终于成功了,而且还发挥了外交上的作用。

    For once a White House public succeeded , and performed a diplomatic function as well .

  6. 我国企业和组织需要充分重视游说公共关系战略的价值。

    The strategic value of Lobbying PR should catch great attention from Chinese enterprises and organizations .

  7. 作为当地专业的“一站式”服务,我们作为客户的合作人,同客户一同努力,设计并履行符合保加利亚市场需要的营销和公共关系综合性战略。

    As a locally specialized " one-stop shop ", we act as a partner to our clients , working with them to design and implement integrated marketing and PR strategies customized for the local market .

  8. 而外界广泛认为,英国石油(BP)事后不力的公共关系和危机管理战略,进一步加重了墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件对其形象的损害。

    BPis widely perceived to have compounded the damage done to its image by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico through a poor public relations and crisis management strategy in its aftermath .

  9. 我国媒介公共关系在特有媒介体制下,应实行全球化思考,本土化落实,借鉴世界上已有的经验和成果,进行批判地吸收,形成适合中国国情的媒介公共关系发展战略。

    Within the particular media institution , China ' sMedia Public Relations ought to have a global vision and practice localization , modeling and adopting critically existing experiences in the world so as to develop aset of Media Public Relations strategy in accordance with Chinese condition .