• 见"傈僳族"
  • 〔傈~族〕见“傈”。

  1. 凉山地区彝族(诺合)和傈僳族ABO、Rh-Hr、MN、P血型的调查

    Investigation on abo , rh-hr , mn and P blood types in Yi and Lisu nationalities in Liang-shan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province

  2. 傈僳族学龄儿童营养现况调查

    Survey of Current Nutrition Status in Pupils of Lisu Minority

  3. 僳僳族服饰是其民族有形的文化载体。

    Li-su costumes are the concrete cultural carriers of their own nationality .

  4. 云南省怒江傈僳族自治州经济发展战略研究

    Strategic Study of economic development of Nujiang Lisu Nationality Autonomous region , Yunnan

  5. 方法选择怒江傈僳族自治州福贡县全体预防保健工作者作为调查对象,进行问卷调查及个人访谈,并对问卷进行统计分析。

    Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among health care workers in Fugong County .

  6. 云南怒江傈僳族妇女与宗教

    Women of Lisu Nationality and Religion in Yunnan

  7. 少数民族传统文化的两难境地&以云南元谋姜驿乡傈僳族为例

    Traditional ethnic culture in a catch-22 situation

  8. 云南腾冲傈僳族社区林地林木资源流转研究

    A Study on Forest Land and Stand Resource Transfer in Lisu Ethnic Communities of Tengchong County

  9. 怒族、傈僳族和景颇族儿童认知发展研究

    Study on Cognitive Development of the Nu Nationality and the Li-su Nationality and the Jing-po Nationality Children

  10. 云南傈僳族学龄儿童营养健康教育干预效果分析与评价

    Evaluation of the Nutrition Health Education Program in Primary School Children of Lisu Ethnic in Yunnan Province

  11. 教学实践中可以通过行动研究法培养花傈僳族学生的非智力因素。

    Finally , Lisu students ' non-intellectual factors would be fostered by action research method in teaching practice .

  12. 泰国傈僳族主要居住在泰北地区,是泰国的六个主要山地民族之一。

    Lisu , one of Thailand six main mountain peoples , mainly live in the north of the country .

  13. 比如,所有的对白都是傈僳族语,甚至导演一个字也不明白。

    For one thing , all the dialogues are in Lisu and even the director could not understand a word .

  14. 刀杆节傈僳族的传统节日,农历二月初八举行,最引人入胜的活动是“爬刀杆”。

    Falling on the8th day of the2nd lunar month , it is a traditional festival of the Lisuethnic minority group .

  15. 傈僳族是云南独有的少数民族之一,也是一直以来受到较多关注的一个族群。

    Lisu People is one of the unique minorities in Yunnan , which is also a minority group attracting more care .

  16. 这是个700多人的傈僳族山村,基督徒在村庄人口比例达80%。

    It is a Lisu community with a population of more than 700 , and 80 % of them are Christians .

  17. 其中傈僳族在刀杆节表演的“上刀山,下火海”惊心动魄,令人叹为观止。

    One Lisu in the performance of Arbor Day " on Daoshan , under the sea of fire " soul-stirring , eye-openers .

  18. 对象傈僳族聚居区两所条件相近的农村小学被随机分为营养健康教育干预学校和对照学校。

    Subjects Two similar primary schools in areas of Lisu ethnics were randomly assigned into nutrition health education intervention school and control school .

  19. 傈僳族是一个历史悠久的民族,傈僳族世代相传,保留了与物质生产和社会生活相关的丰富的民间口承文学。

    Lisu has a long history , reserves the rich folk oral literature about material production and social life from generation to generation .

  20. 方法:采用自编创造能力测验对125名怒族、111名傈僳族、110名景颇族中小学生进行测量。

    Mothods : 125 students of Nu , 111 students of Lisu and 110 students of Jingpo nationalities were assessed by creativity test .

  21. 长期以来傈僳族先民在区域政治格局中的关系和地位,对其民族认同感在历史上的演变产生着重要影响。

    For years , the political situation in which Lisu ancestors were involved had exerted great influences on their ethnic identification in history .

  22. 傈僳族竹书文字是20世纪20年代个人创制的一种少数民族文字。

    The character of the Lisu bamboo writing is one of minority ethnic characters , which was created by an individual in the1920s .

  23. 傈僳族学生的认知方式偏向于场独立性,怒族和景颇族学生的认知方式都偏向于场依存性;

    Cognitive style of Lishu nationality students are inclined to field-independent , Cognitive style of Nu and Jingpo nationalities students are inclined to field-dependent ;

  24. 目的:了解云南山区傈僳族学龄儿童营养现况,以便采取进一步的营养改善措施。

    Objective : To find out the current nutrition status of the Lisu pupils in order to adopt further measures for the nutritional amelioration .

  25. 本文通过对当地传统民居空间的研究与建筑物理环境的测试分析,应用地域适宜性绿色建筑技术,创造出丽江老君山傈僳族民居更新的生态建筑模式语言。

    This paper creates the ecological architecture pattern language of Laojun Mountain by analyzing the physical environment and architectural space of local vernacular houses .

  26. 此章主要揭示在变迁过程中傈僳族文化连续性的一面,说明文化结构具有稳定性的特点。

    This chapter mainly demonstrates that Lisu culture has its continuity in the evolution and that stability is one of the features of cultural structure .

  27. 了解少数民族(本文特指傈僳族)的饮酒机制,有助于制定合理的与酒相关的产业政策和法律制度。

    Understanding of national minorities ( This article refers specifically to Lisu ) of alcohol that contributes to the wine to develop a reasonable policy .

  28. 1995年对我省汉、哈尼、纳西、傈僳、佤5个民族学生的肱三头肌、肩胛下角皮褶厚度,瘦体重及体脂量4个项目进行发育规律特征分析。

    An investigation on the students ' physique and health was conducted in 1995 among students of Han , Hani , Naxi , lisu and Wa nationalities .

  29. 近年来,它被逐渐介绍到中国并于2005年与云南傈僳族进行了正式的民间文化交流活动。

    It has been introduced to China over the past few years . In2005 , the Sami formally started cultural exchanges with the Lisu people in Yunnan .

  30. 生活在云南怒江大峡谷的三个主要民族&傈僳族、独龙族、怒族都喜好饮酒,而且他们的酒文化都颇具特色。

    The three main ethnic groups in the Nujiang Grand Canyon prefer drinking . Furthermore , the wine culture of Lisu , Dulong and Nu are distinctive .