
  • 网络Jinggangshan City
  1. 井冈山市天然林游憩价值核算

    Accounting on the Recreation Value of Natural Forest in Jinggangshan City

  2. 1993年井冈山市四苗接种情况分析

    Analysis of Vaccination of four Vaccines In JingGangshan City in 1993

  3. 井冈山市罗浮水库大坝安全论证

    The safety demonstration of the dam of Luofu reservoir in Jinggangshan City

  4. 井冈山市新城区规划与建设中的若干问题&第十三届全国结构工程学术会议特邀报告

    Some problems on planning and construction of the New District of Jinggangshan City

  5. 岩溶区城市建设地面塌陷易发性研究&以井冈山市新城区岩溶地面塌陷为例

    Study on Growth Degree of Karst Ground Collapsing in City Building & Taking Jinggangshan City for Example

  6. 旅游开发与农村城市化的实现模式研究&以江西井冈山市为例

    Implementation Pattern of Tourism Exploitation and Rural Urbanization & A Case Study of Jinggangshan City in Jiangxi Province

  7. 行政区划调整的旅游效应研究&兼论江西井冈山市与安徽黄山市的比较

    A Study on Tourism Effect of Adjustment of Administrative Demarcation & Giving consideration to comparison of the tourism effect of adjustment of administrative demarcation between Huangshan City and Jinggangshan City

  8. 井冈山市旅游管理体制调整的滞后性延缓了行政区划调整正效应的发挥,管理体制、部门利益有待进一步协调;

    The management is still in the position to be further improved , and the system of management and the profit of different departments are supposed to be further coordinated in Jinggangshan City .

  9. 井冈山市是在全国率先大力发展红色旅游的革命老区之一,其红色旅游的发展正在为解决好许多革命老区的三农问题提供着新鲜经验。

    Jing Gang-shan City is one of the old areas of the revolution , leads to develope " red tour " strongly in the whole country , the development of its'is providing fresh experience for resolving problems of " three agriculture " in many areas .

  10. 井冈山革命老区五县一市是井冈山革命根据地的主要组成部分,包括江西省辖区的井冈山市、永新县、遂川县和莲花县,湖南省辖区的炎陵县和茶陵县。

    Jinggangshan revolutionary base areas " five counties and one city " is a major component of the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area , which include Jinggangshan City , Yongxin County , Suichuan County , Lianhua County in Jiangxi Province and Yanling County , ChaLing County in Hunan Province .