
  1. 进入21世纪后,特别是随着中国加入WTO之后,中外合作办学项目就蓬勃发展起来。

    Since the 21st century , especially after China access to WTO , the programs are flourishing .

  2. 中外合作办学项目中文化差异对英语教学的影响

    The Influences of Cultural Distinctions on English Teaching in Chinese-Foreign Programs

  3. 高职中外合作办学项目学生英语学习动力调查

    Research on Higher Vocational College Students ' English-learning Incentive in Chinese-foreign Project

  4. 高校中外合作办学项目的风险及防范

    The Risk and Prevention of Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Education Project in Colleges and Universities

  5. 雅思考试对中外合作办学项目的英语教学产生巨大的反拨效应。

    IELTS test exerts inevitable backwash effect on English teaching in international joint programs .

  6. 加强对中外合作办学项目的税收征管

    Strengthening Tax Collection and Administration towards Cooperative Projects by the Chinese and Foreign Educational Institutes

  7. 中外合作办学项目管理过程中纠纷的防范与处理

    Approaches to preventing and solving the disputes in the management of China 's joint education programs with overseas institutions

  8. 随着我国各种形式的中外合作办学项目的数量和规模不断扩大,海外学生党员的比例也越来越大。

    The proportion of the Communist Party members among the students in overseas colleges is expanding as Sinoforeign cooperative education booms .

  9. 江西省于1996年尝试中外合作办学,现有12所中方高校举办了39个中外高等学历教育合作办学项目。

    The first project of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools in Jiangxi Province was set up in 1996 . Now there were 39 projects of Chinese-foreign cooperation in higher education of formal schooling with 12 Chinese colleges ' participation .