
  1. RS与GIS在东北黑土区土壤侵蚀研究中的应用

    Application of RS and GIS on Soil Erosion Research in Black Soil Region of Northeast China

  2. GIS在农业气候区划中的应用东北黑土区地域界定及其水土保持区划探析

    Application of GIS in Agricultural Climatic Zoning Defining of Chernozem Area and Zoning of Soil and Water Conservation in Northeastern China

  3. 东北黑土区不同作物系统氮肥反硝化损失与N2O排放量

    Denitrification Losses of Nitrogen Fertilizer and N2O Emission from Different Crop - Black Soil Systems in North - east China

  4. 冻融是我国东北黑土区的普遍现象,而冻融地区又是土壤N2O排放的重要源。

    Freeze-thaw is a universal phenomenon of black soil area in Northeast China , and soil freeze-thaw region is an important N2O emissions source .

  5. 然而,目前国内沟蚀的研究主要集中于黄土高原地区和东北黑土区,而且主要是在较小的空间尺度内,采用实地调查或GPS测量等方法研究沟蚀的发生演变规律。

    However , the recent studies on soil erosion are mainly concerned on the gullies in the Loess Plateau and Black soil area in Northeast China in the small scale , there is a lack of study on gully erosion in the Upper Yangtze River Basin .

  6. 中国东北黑土区土壤侵蚀环境

    Condition of Soil Erosion in Phaeozem Region of Northeast China

  7. 东北黑土区土壤资源现状与存在问题

    The Soil Resource Conditions and the Problems in Northeast Black Soil Regions

  8. 东北黑土区土壤温度变化特征

    Characteristics of Soil Temperature Dynamics in the Black Soil Area of Northeast China

  9. 我国东北黑土区耕地施肥和玉米产量的变化特征

    Change characteristic of fertilization and maize yield on black soil in the Northeast China

  10. 东北黑土区地域界定及其水土保持区划探析

    Defining of Chernozem Area and Zoning of Soil and Water Conservation in Northeastern China

  11. 东北黑土区土壤生产力评价方法研究

    Study on the Method of Soil Productivity Assessment in Northeast Black Soil Regions of China

  12. 东北黑土区农业生态环境问题与对策

    The problems of agro-ecological environment and the countermeasures in black soil zone in Northeast China

  13. 东北黑土区坡耕地侵蚀沟发育机理初探

    The Mechanism of Gully Development on Sloping Farmland in Black Soil Area , Northeast China

  14. 我国东北黑土区是世界上仅有的三大块黑土区之一。

    Northeast black soil plain is one of the three black soil regions in the world .

  15. 东北黑土区坡耕地水土流失及防治技术研究进展

    Study on Soil and Water Loss and Prevention Technology of Sloping Land in Blackland in the Northeast

  16. 东北黑土区沟蚀机理及防治模式的研究

    Study on Dynamics of Gully Erosion and Its Controlling in the Black Soil Region , Northeast China

  17. 东北黑土区水土流失重点治理区农耕地侵蚀现状及潜在危险程度分析

    Soil Erosion Situation in Cultivated Land in Northeastern Black Earth District and Analysis of Potential Degree of Danger

  18. 东北黑土区土壤容许流失量与水土保持治理指标探讨

    Study on Criterion of Soil Loss Tolerance and Soil and Water Conservation in Black Soil Region of Northeast

  19. 东北黑土区水土流失综合防治模式及效益分析防病治病,延年益寿

    Synthesized Control Mode and Its Benefits Analysis of Soil and Water Loss in the Northeast Black Soil Area

  20. 东北黑土区近40年沟谷侵蚀动态及影响因素分析

    Dynamics and Effect Factors of Gully in the Black Soil Area of Northeast during the Past 40 Years

  21. 东北黑土区耕地资源遥感动态监测与驱动因素分析

    Remote Sensing Analysis of Dynamics and Driving Factors of Cropland Resources in Black Soil Zone of Northeast China

  22. 东北黑土区玉米优质与高产的限制因素分析

    Limiting factor analysis on high quality and high yield of corn in black soil area of northeastern China

  23. 东北黑土区不同耕作方式土壤养分与酶活性的时空变化

    Effect of Tillage Form on the Soil Nutrient and Enzyme Activities of Black Soil Area at Northeast China

  24. 沟状侵蚀是我国东北黑土区一种比较常见的土壤侵蚀类型。

    Gully erosion is the more common types of soil erosion in the Black Soil Area of Northeast China .

  25. 激光衍射法与吸管法对东北黑土区土壤粒径分布测定的差异性研究

    Comparative Study of Particle Size Distribution by Laser Diffraction Method and Pipette Method in Black Soil Region of Northeast China

  26. 东北黑土区是我国主要的粮食产区和商品粮基地。

    The black soil region in Northeast China is the main grain production area and commodity grain base of China .

  27. 东北黑土区严重的水土流失破坏了宝贵的黑土资源,危及当地群众的生产生活条件,恶化了生态环境,制约了当地经济社会的可持续发展,对我国的粮食安全构成了严重威胁。

    Due to severe water and soil loss , the precious black soil resources is being destroyed in Northeast China .

  28. 东北黑土区水土流失胁迫下的生态安全评价指标体系的建立

    Establishment of Evaluation Index System of Ecology Security Under Soil and Water Loss Stress in Black Soil Region of Northeast China

  29. 但是目前东北黑土区已经出现水土流失、黑土退化等问题,严重影响了黑土生产力的发挥和高效生产。

    Currently , the black soil region is facing some problems such as soil erosion and degeneration which largely affect the production capacity .

  30. 东北黑土区是我国的重要的粮食生产基地,也是我国水土流失严重的地区之一。

    The black soil region of northeast China is an important food production area , as well as a serious soil erosion area in China .