
  • 网络3d seismic exploration
  1. C1相干算法及其在三维地震勘探解释中的应用

    C_1 coherence algorithm and its application in the interpretation of 3D seismic exploration

  2. 充分发挥408仪器的优越性能,就可解决三维地震勘探在地表复杂地区野外施工的难题,本文通过施工实例的叙述,阐述了蛇形排列、LRU的使用方法。

    Fully playing the superior characters of 408 seismograph can solve the difficulty of production of 3D seismic exploration in complex areas . The paper described the use of snake spread and LRU in construction cases .

  3. Uniqueness及其在海洋三维地震勘探中的应用

    Uniqueness and its application in 3D marine seismic survey

  4. RTK测量技术在三维地震勘探中的应用

    Application of RTK Surveying Technique in 3 - D seismic exploration

  5. 将宽方位三维地震勘探采集技术应用于川西某地区,得到了品质较好的地震资料。同时,P波各向异性裂缝预测结果与断裂展布及构造分析结果相吻合。

    By 3-D seismic exploration aimed at wide-azimuth processing and analyzing of the seismic data produced , it is proved that the acquisition techniques presented in favor of the application of P-wave anisotropy fracture detection technique and posses important signification for natural gas exploration in West Sichuan depth reservoir .

  6. 经过20多年的实践,煤炭系统已能较好地实现落差≥5m断层、煤层5m起伏的二、三维地震勘探。

    Through practices during twenty more years , the coal geological exploration units can do 2D and 3D seismic prospecting well to find out faults with throws ≥ 5m , and 5m thick coal seams ' undulation .

  7. 为此,根据三维地震勘探面元叠加理论提出的可变线元采集技术,通过合理的布置激发点与接收点的位置,使得CMP点均匀分布在一个标准线元内。

    Thus , the variable line element acquisition technique is derived from 3D seismic prospecting surface element stacking theory ; it rationally lay out shotpoint and receiver site to make the CMP points evenly distributed in a standard line element .

  8. 根据准噶尔工地油气勘探目的层较深、构造平缓、地表条件复杂和地震反射资料信嗓比低等特点,将三维地震勘探共中心点面元扩大到50m×100m。

    Because of deeper target zones , flat structures , complex surface conditions . and lower SNR of seismic data in Junggar basin , common-center-point areal element of 3D seismic event can be increased to 50 m × 100 m.

  9. 可变面元三维地震勘探方法在江苏地区的应用

    Application of Bin-divisible Technique in 3D Seismic Exploration in Jiangsu Area

  10. 煤矿采区地质小构造的三维地震勘探技术

    The 3D seismic technique for minor geologic structures in coal mines

  11. 三维地震勘探解释煤矿陷落柱及探采对比分析

    Study on the coal mine fall column by three-dimensional earthquake exploration

  12. 煤矿采空区下组煤三维地震勘探技术

    3D seismic exploration technology for lower coal group in gob area

  13. 三维地震勘探技术预测瓦斯的研究成果

    Research achievements of forecasting gas using three - dimensional seismic exploration

  14. 三维地震勘探在矿井地质勘查中的应用

    The Application of Three - dimensional Seismic Exploration in Geological Survey

  15. 应用三维地震勘探技术控制复杂构造的实例

    Case of controlling complex structure by adopting three-dimensional seismic exploration technology

  16. 复杂地表地区三维地震勘探应用与效果

    Application and Results of 3D Seismic Exploration in Complicated Surface Area

  17. 沙漠区超浅层三维地震勘探

    3D seismic exploration of ultra - shallow layer in desert area

  18. 煤矿采区三维地震勘探技术的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of 3-D Seismic Exploration Technology in Coal Mine

  19. 三维地震勘探数据采集规划设计软件系统

    The plan and design software system for 3-D seismic data acquisition

  20. 相干技术在三维地震勘探构造解释中的研究与应用

    Researcg and application of coherence techniques in 3-D seismic structure interpretation

  21. 二是非竞争性;三维地震勘探中的非纵问题

    Second , Non Rival ; Broadside detection in 3-D seismic exploration

  22. 煤田三维地震勘探在西部某黄土塬地区中的应用

    Application of Coalfield 3D Seismic Prospecting in a Western Loess Tableland

  23. 煤田三维地震勘探技术在河流及河漫滩地区的应用

    Application of Coal 3D Seismic Prospecting in Fluvial and Floodplain Areas

  24. 三维地震勘探高精度采集方法研究与应用

    Collection Method and Application of 3D Seismic Exploration with High Precision

  25. 煤炭三维地震勘探时深转换误差分析及对策

    Time-Depth Conversion Error Analysis and Countermeasures in Coalfield 3D Seismic Prospecting

  26. 复杂断裂构造带三维地震勘探技术及效果

    3D Seismic Technique and Application for Exploration of Complex Fault Belt

  27. 山区煤田三维地震勘探应用效果

    Applied Effect of Coalfield 3D Seismic Prospecting in Mountainous Areas

  28. 高分辨率三维地震勘探数据采集技术

    A new technique for high resolution 3-D seismic data acquisition

  29. 大面元三维地震勘探在准噶尔盆地的成功实践

    On Successful Practices for Large Bin 3D Seismic Prospecting in Junggar Basin

  30. 海上三维地震勘探野外工作方法简介

    A brief account of the field service on 3-D marine seismic survey