
  1. 管理学的演化是沿着人性假设的思路展开的,从经济人假设开始,经历了社会人假设、自我实现人假设、复杂人假设,发展到决策人假设等。

    Based on the hypothesis of human nature , the development of management has undergone different hypothesis starting from ' economy man ' , ' society man ' , ' self-actualization man ' , ' complex man ' , to ' policymaker ' .

  2. 以经济人、社会人为代表的动机人假设着眼于激励积极性,决策人假设重在激发能动性,知识人假设强调激活创造性。

    The hypothesis of ' motivational man ' , such as ' economic man'or ' social man ' , focuses on activeness motivation , while ' decision man ' stresses motivation of the dynamic role of man and ' knowledge man ' emphasizes the activation of creativity .