
  • 网络深圳大学
  1. The Establishment and Development of Digital Resources in SZU Library


  2. Meanwhile , The English Association ( EA ) is the first thousand-member association in SZU .


  3. During the foundation , SIFE SZU received the help from Youth League Committee of Shenzhen University and law seminar of Shenzhen University .


  4. Cooperated with taxi drivers in Shenzhen , SIFE SZU set up a taxi-sharing website and enrolled some members .


  5. Cooperated with a couple who held a hand-made workshop in Sungang , SIFE SZU help the couple to master a modern business model and increase the income .


  6. Aggressive block print artist Yuanhe Cai from Guangzhou visited Shenzhen and had dinner with the management board of SIFE SZU and team members of Dreamaker .


  7. During the talking , Cai raised several questions , such as " the most needed quality of becoming a SIFE team member "," the main source of SIFE funding " and " the scale of SIFE SZU now ," and so on .


  8. In order to bring into better play the role of SZU , it is necessary to take into consideration the macro - development of educational cause in the Delta , the whole province of Guangdong and the whole nation when assigning SZU the task and rights for advance reform .


  9. Eve made friends with her pet tortoise in the grass or romped with the black cat or with the tabby cat . Chang San said Li Szu had cheated at the mid-term examination , but Li Szu replied that the pot was calling the kettle black .
